Friday, May 21, 2021


The other day I was thinking about and remembering how you never forget your Firsts; your first of anything, all the first milestones in your life and I have written mind down here( not that I'd ever foget, but if my mind goes I'll have it all written down):


-Dog: A Beagle, at age 12.

-Concert: It was either Leif Garrett or REO Speedwagon, I'm not sure which one but I was 12 or 13 and both around the same time. REO was the most memmorable  though since the band was late and everyone started rioting, throwing chairs, starting fires, etc.

Crush: Steven in grade 4. I annoyed that poor boy so much. I used to tell everyone we were married and I even used his last name.Then in high school he ended up a drunk and my interest left.

-Kiss: Dylan, in grade 6. I don't know if this actually "counts" or not because one day during recess I had my friends hold him down while I kissed him. he kicked me, escaped and ran away.

-Love: Norman, grade 10. I was soooo infatuated with this guy, OMG!

-Sex: With my hubby, just 2 weeks or so before I turned 22.

-Baby: I will never forget the birth of my first child( or any of them, for that matter, but the first one is "magical") 1989.

-House: our Toronto house in 1979 when I was 12. It was and will always be my fave. of all the houses I've lived in, the one that will always feel like Home to me.

-Flight: To L.A.

-Joint: When I was 47 and it was suggested I try weed for my migraines, and by God it worked! I was hesitant at first but so desperate I would have tried anything but quickly became a cannabis enthusiast!

As well, yesterday my mother reminded the 14 YR old to have lunch( it worries me he's not eating enough and he's just sooooo thin I worry he might have an eating disorder now,too) and I added, You do have to eat... and he screamed at me to Shut up! No one was talking to you! and then I told him to watch his mouth and to not be so disrespectful and he can't talk to me like that my mother told both of us to stop it.....even though all  did was tell him to eat and let him know he can't speak to me that way, yet somehow she always excuses him and lets him off and puts the blame on me. It was so hot as well( 28C and same today with humidex soaring into the 30's) I sunbathed topless so I hope none of the neighbours saw me and had a free show but we do have tall fences and it's secluded with all the trees and shrubbery and I heard this car horn so loud and so deep too it sounds like a ship!

My back legs(calf muscles) hurt so much as well and the left side of my nose which is also swollen and the shape looks different so maybe I have some sort of bug bite or something although it's not itchy or maybe I had another seizure in my sleep the other night and hit myself, and I wish I had someone that looked at me too like how I look at my Harvey's burger and onion rings, with so much longing, admiration and love, and I also heard with the "pandemic" and lockdowns, isolation, etc. kids rates of depression and mental illness has now doubled  and substance abuse rates have tripled now,too, so it's killing our kids  and Israel attacking Palestinians claims they're "terrorists" it's "defending" itself residential  areas, in schools, hospitals, libraries, in neighbourhoods....killing innocent civilians incl. several children? yeah, sure, they sould like real "terrorists" to me, and whenever anyone rightly criticizes them they cry "Anti-Semetism" only it's NOT; it's NOT against Jews, Jewish people or the Jewish faith; it's critical of the Israeli government  that's attacking, killing, and exiling innocent Palestinian civilians. There's a big  difference.

Free thinkers question Government!


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