Thursday, May 6, 2021

Gone Too Far!

So now they're pushing kids age 12-15 to get the vaccine now,too, probably so that they can sterilize them right from puberty for their population control agenda and it's just horrifying and it sickens me to think of all the parents willing to sacrifice their kids up as guinea pigs and how many will have bad reactions or even die, the dumb mindless brainwashed sheeple! People just don't think and they put too much trust in the authorities without thinking and without question and when people question it they call them crazy, paranoid, Conspiricy theorists and the like.Bill Gates is getting a divorce as well and he is well-known for his population control beliefs as well as heavily investing in the vaccine program and has been caught sneaking sterilization into vaccines in Africa for the purpose of population control before under the guise of "vaccines" and I said I bet that was the reason his wife filed for divorce,too, that she found out about his agenda and my hubby laughed to the 26 YR old about me, I told you she'd say that! If that isn't bad enough I heard yesterday from a respected MP that oddly goes against  the system and speaks out against the oppression and tyranny(and the others are trying to shut him up and take him down) that now the gov't is also trying to get the police to harrass families in public areas(such as parks) and take their info(I'd just give a fake name and address) and if their kids aren't adhering to mask and social distancing rules they'll report them to Child Welfare authorities, with the intent to have their kids taken away, with the idea that kids spread Corona and with no kids in the home it's less of a risk.
Oh, my GOD!
That is just beyond horrifying!!!
It sounds like the Gestapo in Nazi Germany arresting citizens for everything and storming into their homes and hauling people off, and what next, detention camps for dissidents,too(or the unvaccinated?)? This has gone waaaay too far!It's absolutely terrifying and luckily for us we only have 1 kid left at home now( the 14 YR old) but it's just so scary  and unfathomable, and talk about a totalitarian Police State! How can people NOT see this? They're also arresting people who organize or take part in protests now,too. So much for freedom...
How long until people wake up and see?

The 25 YR old's BF's Tesla  also apparantly does everything except fly and go under water, and on the Blacklist  Reddington ended up to be a Russian spy as well and they all act like it's a bad thing and meanwhile I'm over here like, So? What's the big deal? What's so wrong about being a Russian spy? and my hubby asked me if someone gave me 3 million$ no questions asked would I take it and I said Hell, yeah!!  Who am I to refuse such a generous gift or to question where it came from?

With all the rain we've had lately another bad thing is the grass keeps growing even more and soon it will be 6 feet tall and I swear for every dandilion I pull out that 2 more grow back in it's place, and the 26 YR old laughed and asked how come we have a Pokemon  calendar hanging on our kitchen wall and I told him It was free and we needed a calendar and the nosey gov't sent us a census as well we are legally obligated to fill out,too, with intrusive questions even though it's none of their business who lives here and what we do,etc. always over-stepping boundaries and interferring in our lives, Nanny-State, always wanting to control every aspect of our lives and interfere.
F*ck it.

As long as something is remembered, it lives.


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