Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Motherf*cker's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! Still no well-wishes from any of the kids, out of town/province or otherwise(not even the ones here) but my mother gave me a card on behalf of the kids, kind of like a proxy and the 26 YR old drew a big juicy throbbing hairy dick on it and I just laughed my ass off! It was just soooo funny! My mother thought it was vulgar and inappropriate but I thought it was hilarious and he and I (and the oldest) have the same sense of humour, very raunchy! That's probably why I can relate to them more than the others?  Yesterday I had such a goooood nap as well when I woke up I didn't even know where I was, whether I was in bed or on the couch or even what time it was, whether it was morning or afternoon, and that's how you know you've had a good nap, and 2 teen boys also rode by one bikes yesterday too as I was sitting on the porch and they gave me a look of combined both surprise and admiration: an old lady hitting the bong! Today for Mother's Day I'm also going to sit out in the sun with my Buddy and smoke a Big Fatty and listen to music and just float away and enjoy some peace.
The 25 YR old also got fired  after just 3 days on her new job,too: for screaming when someone touched her as she doesn't like to be touched; it's an autistic thing( the now-18 YR old is the same and I was too when I was a kid) which I think is a stupid reason to fire someone and sounds more like an excuse to me, like they just didn't like her for some reason( maybe for being Goth and always wearing all black, chains, spikes, skulls, upside-down Crosses, dog collars, etc, as it's not very professional) and were just looking for any stupid reason to fire her, but that's discrimination though, to fire somone based on disability or how they look and it's wrong and I'm pretty sure illegal,too. Today the second-youngest also turns 18 which makes me feel really OLD!!!!

My mother and I had to have an early Mother's Day dinner yesterday as the restaurant is closed today and the second year in a row we couldn't actually go and eat there like we normally would due to the tyrannical lockdown so we had to order-in from our fave. Italian place and I got the Chicken Penne al forno seen above and a really chocolaty chocolate Dairy Queen Blizzard for dessert seen below, and my hubby said it was so busy if it wasn't for Mother's Day he would have just turned around and come right back. He's also completely deaf in one ear now he thinks is due to a build-up of ear wax and got lots out of one ear but not the other but deafness seems kind of extreme and he should probably see a doctor about that and tomorrow I see my doc for my semi-annual check-up,too.

There's also this Chinese rocket falling from space and I'm the kind of person with bad luck that it'll probably land on me, and when I was in Wal-Mart  the other day I noticed they were even giving out the Corona vaccines there, in frickin' Wal-Mart  and I heard as well that alot of women and girls have menstrual irregularities and reproductive issues now too after getting the vaccine,too. What did I tell you? I just knew it! A pastor in Calgary got arrested  as well for holding a church service(like he does every week) for defying the social distancing ban....just like the Gestapo in Nazi Germany, making me think of the famous quote below:

Write your own story.


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