Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Yesterday as I was sitting outside the wonderful sweet fragrance of lilacs came wafting by carried on the wind(reminding me of my Babushka and my childhood) and it was the most amazing thing ever as well as my fave. scent and later in the day I went and got a bunch of them,and,no, I didn't steal any off anyone's property but rather went down to the Bay and got the public property area ones that belong to everybody just growing wild beside the water and a field on the other side. I liked being by the water too, I always feel so "drawn" to it and I had the urge to just strip off all my clothes and dive in under all the coldness and just be free, or to even go kayaking, oh, how I just love  the water and being in the water, it's like I was born in the water and am a fish! I feel that same way for the sky too, drawn to it and like flying and just want to soar and be free. My friend P(from grade 6) also opened her pool last month, in April, and when I said isn't the water a bit cold  that early, something like 7 C or so she laughed and said she has a heater, which we don't; we just let the sun heat ours up as it's 20X40 and a heater costs 10K! I doubt our pool will be open this year either just like it wasn't last year as it "costs too much" and I'm the only one that uses it and it's not "worth it" just for me. Now the entire house is filled with the wonderful aroma of fresh lilacs too(I have them in rooms all over) except for the second-floor though, which reeks of rotten lobster festering in the heat that the 26 YR old had last night and must have thrown in a garbage can upstairs somewhere even though he was told  to put it outside for this exact reason!!

Luckily I was able to get my music back on my iPod after all the entire playlist of songs was somehow deleted(I still suspect the 14 YR old, esp. since he's the one who's always complaining about my music and my singing) even though my mother and hubby refuse to even consider it because he's their special pampered little Prince and can do no wrong; she insists it may have been the 26 YR old even though he has no issue with my music and has no motive and he said it was likely Apple deleting it because I downloaded it illegally) but regardless, I had them saved on a back-up so I was able to restore it and I'm just so glad to have it back, and yesterday I had a nap with my bedroom window open and a nice breeze was blowing thru and it reminded me of summers as a kid and a pastor that was arrested for holding worship services in defiance of lockdown orders(good for him!) now someone tried to burn down his house,too! Holy shit, that's awful! People are just horrible but those that fight for freedom are often persecuted esp. God's people.

Yesterday Buddy's nose was bleeding as well but only on the one side and it wasn't the same side as the sore on his face, and usually bleeding noses in dogs indicates nasal tumours( which long-nosed breeds like Dachshunds are prone to) or low platelet counts...neither of which are good....but I'm hoping that maybe it's just due to something minor instead, like maybe when he was snuffling along in the grass he inhaled something sharp or prickly in his nostril or something...I also found a good use for dandilions,too: to wipe his ass after he's shit and it's just the right size, nice and soft, and the right texture to "catch" the dingleberries,and every morning when I go upstairs and have my bath he comes up too and I followed him today to see where he goes...and it was to the 18 YR old's room and I found him laying on her gym bag( which would have her scent on it) laying on the floor looking sad. He misses her too. Even though she's always so mean to him( always saying he's ugly and telling him to get lost and go away) he still misses her. It's so sad. The Edmonton Boys  also woke up to a couple of inches of snow today  but here it's going up to 26 C! HA!

Yesterday my hubby also went to the store to get stuff for our BBQ this upcoming long weekend and it was in the sectioned-off part deemed "non-essential" but what kind of dumb asshole thinks that with a long holiday weekend that BBQ stuff isn't essential? I told him he just should have snuck into the forbidden aisle when nobody was looking like I did before and grabbed it anyway but he's not "brave" like that. I'm also like those plants with the instruction labels on them Plant me in full direct sunlight and a Facebook friend asked which of his friends were Marxist so I told him I was, thinking he was looking for like-minded comrades....but then he deleted me, so instead he was singling-out Marxists to de-friend! What an asshole, but I don't need people like that anyway, and I'm not ashamed of, and won't deny who I am and what I believe in, and I still just can't stop thinking of, crying over, and praying for that family near Toronto who lost their 2 kids age 4 and 10 rising their bikes in their own driveway when a 16 YR old neighbour accidently ran them over with his car. I can't even imagine! It's just so tragic, so horrific, and no one else can possibly be hurting more than they are right now.

I have to learn to stop always be disappointed and just accept things as they are.


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Today's Thought.