Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Notice Anything Different?

Do you notice anything different about Buddy? Just for laughs I drew eyebrows on him with a black Sharpie  and the 26 YR old laughed so hard I thought he was going to choke on his food and he said that was the funniest thing I've done in 20 years and the 14 YR old laughed his ass off to(even though he tried to hide it) but my mother didn't think it was funny but she wouldn't as she doesn't have a sense of humour and really doesn't think anything's funny, not even fart jokes and everybody laughs at farts no matter how old they are but she says they're just rude. The 26 YR old also asked if I was going to post Buddy's New Look on my blog  too which took me aback because how does he even know I have a blog? It's just my private thing separate from them they aren't supposed to even know about! I learned something as well: apparantly the Sharpie really stays on and is hard to wash off, it didn't even come off after I'd bathed him so I guess it just has to wear off.Oh, well.HA!  He's been really whiny for the past 3 days too  and he looks at me and barks and yesterday trying to nap every time I'd drift off he'd bark to wake me up as if he didn't want me getting too deep into it, as if he was almost afraid I wouldn't wake up or something and he's been acting really weird lately.Is he trying to tell me something,perhaps,like warning me?

Yesterday and today I also have really BAD all-over body pain, every single joint and muscle but esp. shoulders and hip joints and sooooo sore and stiff I can hardly even move and I feel like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz that needs an oiling, so I wonder if my Rheumatoid Arthritis is getting worse or if it's something else but it's never  been THIS bad, I just want to scream,and soooo tired too I pretty much slept all day yesterday too I was so exhausted and it made me wonder as well if maybe I might have had another seizure in my sleep during the night before and maybe that was why, plus Buddy had also jumped off down from my bed sometime during the night too and was sleeping on a blanket on the floor, so could be...and the day before that both my arms also felt really heavy, achy, tired, weak,and sore,too...and today I still hurt and sooo dizzy it feels like I'm always tilting over to the left side...

It's possible as well I could hurt so much from bending over and picking the dandilions off our grass(although it's extreme for that) and I couldn't care less if they attract bees; they also look so ghetto and I don't want those ghetto-ass things on my lawn,and the bees can be attracted to my sunflowers that I grow later in the summer,and the other day there were also 3 cop cars and a bunch of cops over at the house at the corner too so I wonder what they did, and my cousin on dialysis said he's borrowing a machine from the hospital and having it installed in his house and being trained how to do the procedure himself at home now, and I joked that Caitlyn Jenner being transgender is also transJENNER and dumb Sheeple that have been vaccinated but still wears masks are maskinated= mask+vaccinated= maskinated.

The almost-18 YR old arrived in Vancouver around 2 am in the morning as well, 5 HR flight and had to pay a whoping 185$ for her 2 over-sized luggage as well and now has to adjust to the 3 HR time change too, and the 26 YR old says every woman's dream is to land a rich man but I say every woman's dream is to eat what she wants without getting fat, and my friend in Brazil's girl( age 4 or 5, I forget) cut off her eyelashes with scissors too, reminding me when I was her age when I cut off my 2 side ponytails,and I had dreams as well, one I was back in college and I had more than just the 2 friends I actually had, and another I went back to Jamaica and saw hippos in the water(wrong continent,I know, but dream are weird and don't have to make sense) and I wanted to take photos but my camera broke so I couldn't, just my luck.

I had a thought as well that shows Jesus and God are 2 separate individuals and NOT the same Person: when Jesus was asked when Judgement Day will be He answered that He doesn't know the time or the day or the hour; that only My Father and your Father in Heaven knows, so if He was actually God, if they were the same Person, then He would know,too,  but He doesn't,and I got another realization as well: we used to visit my fave. aunt and cousins every summer and Christmas until I was 13 and then we never heard from them again despite repeated attempts to contact them and my mother assumed they were mad at us for something and shunned us but it occurred to me just now that maybe it had nothing to even DO with us at all but maybe they just had to disappear just like we did before because maybe someone was after them and they couldn't have contact with anyone, like maybe  the father of my cousin's baby found out and harrassed her or even tried for custody or something( he was married and when she found out she broke it off but he never even knew she was prego) and they had to flee? It's possible...

“I don’t care how many years I live, I just want to die young.” - Monet


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