Saturday, May 22, 2021


My "harem"/genie pants-style jumper came yesterday but I feel like I got ripped-off. It looks similar to the photo but the quality is much less than appears in the photo: in reality it's actually this cheap thin shiny polyester that has lots of static cling and luckily I bought it extra big because I figured it was probably from Asia(and they tend to have sizes really really small probably because their people are so petite) and I'm such a big fat hippo so at least it's not too tight, which is a problem I've had before but it's definitely NOT woth the 39$USD I paid for it( which would translate to soemthing like 50-55$ in our $$$$) I wouldn't pay more than 10-15$ at a flea market for it, to tell you the truth. Above photo is the picture of what the website shows you and the photo below is what I actually got. That's the problem with ordering online though; you never actually know what you're really going to get and if they're going to cheat you or not, like that time I ordered what I thought looked like this beautiful white gauze Peasant blouse....but actually ended up being a loose baggy shapeless cheap thin polyester rag  that looked more like a dish towel and that I never did wear it looks so horrific and cheap; I just crinkled up and threw in the back of my drawer. Life is the same way: things are often NOT as they appear and you can't tell by looking. Things are often as NOT as they seem.

Buddy also finally got to see his long-awaiting Bitches face-to-face at long-last yesterday,too! 2 Shih-Tzus and a Chihuahua! During one of his walks they were out walking with their dog walker  at the same time too and crossed paths and he was just soooo happy, he puffed out his chest literally and his tail was wagging a mile a minute and he just looked so proud.....until they started barking at him.....and then he was like Oh, ok, then, f*ck you,too!! and started barking back at them and the fur on his back went up! He's better off without them anyway and can do much better; they're too "yappy",anyway! HA! I also had such baaaaad stomach and abdomenal pain it felt like something was going to explode in there and I couldn't even move the pain was so bad, and yesterday I also saw a Junebug even though it's only May as well as the first Monarch butterfly of the season( also remembering that revelation I had before that I'll see a Monarch just before I die....) and it was sooo hot too it got up to 29 C with a humidex of 33 C and we broke a record over 30 years!

I was surprised this morning too getting up to go pee to see what I thought wasa big turd stuck to the side of the toilet bowl, Oh, great! Who's the loser that left a big shit in here and didn't even flush but when I looked closer I could see that it was a mouse, and it was a dark grey with it's wet fur, making it look brown, like a turd, and besides, you know, I was half-asleep, and I'm not sure which one is worse; the turd or the mouse, and I have a feeling that they're going to make the Corona vaccine mandatory in the schools now too just like the other vaccines but alot of parents will have issues with it( and rightly so!) so I also expect alot of families will be staying with homeschooling full-time now,too as a result(yay!) growing the movement and making it more socially "acceptable" and my friend A (from Ottawa) his Aunty(who turns 103 this year!) is dying and she was like a second mother to him; moving here from Chile some 50 years ago and still barely speaks English and I remember she made the BEST turkey stuffing that I've ever had in my entire life,too!! I've never known anyone that old; it's almost as if God "forgot" about her and then He's like, Ooops! Oh, yeah! I forgot about this one! I better recall her! She should have come Home a long time ago!

I am a sunflower in a field of dandilions.


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