Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Canada's Shame.

It was shocking and horrifying and left everyone outraged and sad yet not surprised to hear of the find of over 200 Native children's bodies in a mass grave recently discovered at the site of a former Residential School but it's likely NOT the first or only but one of many. Residential Schools as they were called, even though they were more like prisons or Concentration Camps are Canada's biggest shame,along with how they treat Native people in general( as well as the internment camps for the Japanese and Italians in WWII) where untold numbers of Native children were snatched away from their homes, families, and communities, kidnapped, stolen, to be "assimilated" into "White society", basically to have the Indian 'wiped out" of them, cultural genocide basically. They were also abused both physically and sexually at the hands of these "schools" that were run by the gov't and the Catholic Church for over 100 years, but, of course they don't teach you about in history class in school. It's their Dirty Little Secret  they like to try and keep hidden. It just makes me hate this shithole country even more and now the Catholic Church too. It just gets me sooooo mad! My hubby doesn't think it was so bad, considering the time period it happened in, just like with slavery, but that still doesn't justify or excuse it; wrong is still wrong no matter who does it or when it occurs, no matter what  time in history or what era, and I just can't wrap my head around what they were thinking; what's so "wrong" about being Indian? How could anyone possibly think that doing that was OK? Why did society think that it was OK? How come no one said or did anything to stop it? It just gets me sooo riled up; I don't know if it's my Asperger's, that I'm an Empath, or just that I'm human, but it really angers me  and NOTHING they can ever do will ever "make up" for what they did to them! To this day they still treat the Native people like shit, living in Third-world conditions, often with no indoor plumbing or running water, with asbestos or mold, with sub-standard education...

My cousin M is also doing his dialysis at home now which is much better than having to drive 2 HRS each way to the hospital in Orillia every 2 days and I noticed Buddy's underbelly is a purple colour which worried me of bruising or even possible internal bleeding or low platelets so I checked with Dr.Google  and luckily it's just hyperpigmentation that's appararantly common in the Dachshund breed, esp. as they age, and nothing to be concerned about, thank God, and yesterday I had this searing pain rip all down the middle of my back too as well as tightness and squeezing in my chest and thought that was finally The Day but I guess not as I'm still here(shit) and I'm always so tired I can't get thru the day without a nap and I had this restless feeling yesterday as well and tension I needed to release; I probably just need a good f*ck but smoking a Big Fatty is as good as I'm going to get, other than getting it on with my vibrator. 😜

My funky Dachshund figurine I ordered in April finally arrived yesterday as well and it's awesome! I just love  it and so often when you get things online you end up disappointed but this time it exceeded my expectations and ended up looking exactly like in the photo and was even bigger than I thought,too! Normally things end up alot smaller in real life than they appear in the photo so I was expecting this really small thing, like to fit in your hand, but this thing is big! For once something actually went right and worked out for me and it just feels so awesome!!! My hubby's also finally working on getting my new computer(actually the 14 YR old's old one but still better and faster than this piece of shit) started, now it's saving files but will take a few days before it's actually up and running so I just hope this piece of shit can hold on that long before it dies completely, and I planted 18 sunflower seeds too but over 20 seedlings have sprouted and some of them have purple stems and others green ones so I wonder if maybe last year when I had sunflowers in the same spot if they dropped seeds that stayed dormant over the winter and have now started to sprout?

I also heard on the news there was a massacre of a Black community in Tulsa 100 years ago and it was horrific but again, we never learned about that in history class,either,and the first time I ever even heard about it was last night on the news. It's awful how history and school covers up the awful truth about the past.I don't like the idea of vaccine segregation either as it's just like Apartheid, dividing the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, separating the 2 groups and giving favour to one group and denying the other, and yesterday my new weed also came so I grinded it up as I'm NOT spending an extra 20$ for the crumbled stuff as I'm both poor and cheap and when I die I want to leave my weed stash to the oldest and the 23 YR old too as the 26 YR old doesn't really like it and the others don't smoke, at least as far as I know, but then again I didn't know that the others did for years either, and I just love the word f*ck, too; it's such a versatile word and it's my fave. word, and my dog is the one who saved me and helps me heal and if I didn't have him I'd fall apart. God knew exactly what I needed.

You will be found.- Dear Evan Hanson.


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