Wednesday, June 23, 2021

I *TOLD* You SO!!

Now there is more news about how dangerous the vaccines really are( just as I had suspected all along) now they said that over 4000 women and girls in the UK have had menstrual irregularities due to the vaccine(I always suspected it was for population control;sterilization) and in just a week  4 British Airways pilots and some Air India pilots died from blood clots(even more increased risk with air pressure flying and long-haul flights) after being vaccinated as well and several teen boys have too from myocarditis, an infection of the lining of the heart, due to vaccine side-effects, which is now being seen more commonly in kids and teens, particularily teen boys, now so the World Health Organization has even put out a suggestion that it NOT be used on kids and teens,but, of course, you'll have a hard time finding any mention of it in any mainstream media, and,in fact, whenever anyone posts about it on Facebook,for example, it gets deleted. They really DON'T want us to know the truth! Just keep in mind though that whenever the gov't tells you that something is "good" for you that it probably isn't, and never believe when they tell you We're from the gov't and we're here to help you plus you also have to question the agenda of something that they push so aggressively as well.

Yesterday and today my pain is also reaaaaly bad, abdomenal( plus I'm also really constipated,too) and back and every joint and bone hurts so much too I can hardly even move and I didn't think Rheumatoid Arthritis was supposed to hurt this much and be this immobilizing either; I just thought it was stiffness, so I wonder if maybe there's also more to it as well; like maybe I have Lyme Disease or bone cancer or something causing the extreme pain in my joints and bone as well and NOT just the RA? This morning I also tripped going down the stairs but luckliy I was able to still "catch" myself before I fell all the way down the stairs completely but my balance and co-ordination is getting even worse lately I notice as well and I need a complete overhaul and all new parts, like the Bionic Woman from that TV show I used to watch as a kid in the 70's.

The 14 YR old is also now officially the tallest in the family, even taller than the oldest and my hubby who are both over 6 feet tall and he still has 4 more years left of growing to do,too, until he's 18, so I wouldn't be surprised if by then he ends up over 7 feet tall....and he had his track& field event back yesterday finally and the 26 YR old has his Dungeons&Dragons back again as well but still has to do his Jiu-jitsu "underground", and having the video chat the other day with the 20 YR old in Vancouver I could see some of the second-oldest's landscape paintings too and they were really good; she's a good artist and I was also shocked to see they hardly have any furniture either but at least the good thing is they don't have to worry about getting robbed! Buddy also finally did see his Bitches yesterday too(and the guy even waved to me) so I guess they weren't "avoiding" us but maybe for that week they didn't come by our way one of the dogs was in "heat" or something and he just didn't want her near my horny old guy? Either way I feel better now.I didn't want Buddy to lose out on seeing his friends because of me.

I just want to be free.


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