Saturday, June 19, 2021

Medical Procedures I Hate Most.

I have had alot of medical procedures done, lots of stitches, surgery, given birth 11 times, lots of really gross, disgusting, demeaning things done to my body in the most intimate areas and medical personel have seen everything, every single part of my body both inside and out and I've had pretty much every procedure, scan and test that there is out there so I've done it all, had it all and seen it all  pretty much(except for chemo but I did see my son go thru it and that's something I'd never do) and of all the humiliating and gross things I've had to endure(incl. things up my ass and my yoo-hoo) most of them oddly didn't bother me that much and luckily for me needles don't bother me( having blood taken, contrast dyes injected, given injections, etc.) unlike my hubby who absolutely hates it and is such a big pussy about it he can't even look at a needle(not even for someone else or on the news reports!) without half-throwing-up in his throat and going uh,uh, he's going to barf, and sometimes he's even fainted, but the one thing I really DO hate,however, is the IV, and I always dread it as my veins just don't co-operate and they always "back up" and they can never get a vein, or it's "hollow" or it "blows out" and they have to keep on trying and it hurts and I always end up all bruised and swollen and it's agony but I find if they use a really small child-sized needle it works better and before surgery I always ask that they numb it first and that solves the problem.
 It's kind of funny though after all the medical procedures and surgery I've been thru and it doesn't phase me one bit that the one thing that I hate the most is the IV!  I also hate the epidural as the needle in my spine itself doesn't hurt per se but it just feels really creepy and gross; you feel this immense pressure and this awful "grinding" feeling it makes you nauseous,and of course, when they do it wrong and miss (like happened 3 times for me!) then it's really awful, esp. when they hit your spinal fluid by mistake and it feels like the top of your head is exploding, or when they hit a blood vessel(which also happened to me) or when they accidently chip off a piece of your spinal vertebrae, which also happened to me.(Don't I just have the "best" luck?) Also, thae time the ENT doctor shoved that mini camera all the way up my nose(without numbing it) up to god-knows-where was soooo painful it  made me gasp and squirm and brought tears to my eyes. That was really bad,too. Other than that, I'm good. I don't even mind the dentist, just as long as they numb it first!

This is also the Father's Day card I e-mailed my hubby I thought was funny and even though in actual reality he doesn't  have my back they don't exactly have cards that say Happy Father's Day to my asshole hubby who treats me like shit, and it was always a hard holiday for me as I grew up without a father( he left when I was 2) so it was always a painful reminder of what I didn't have and it was an alien concept to me and in school we always had to make Father's Day cards and I felt weird, and even now still as the kids make such a big fuss over it for my hubby(and even hand-make him cards,too, but don't for me for Mother's Day or for my birthday) but don't for Mother's Day for me, rubbing it in my face once again how they like him so much better, most likely because he's their "buddy" and their "friend" more than he's ever been their parent; he's never disciplined them and all he ever does is play games  with them and watch TV with them and whatever they tell him to do he does it,too; it's like they're the parent and he's the kid; he always does whatever they say and ask; I think so they'll like him, but it always ends up making me look like the "Bad Guy" because I'm the only one that ever sets rules or disciplines or tells them to do stuff  and all he does is hang out with them like a buddy. I also realized my mother spends 20$ a week on Lindor chocolates too, not incl. all the other kinds of chocolates she also buys, so that's 80$ a month on just Lindor  chocolates, no wonder she never has any $$$$! Holy shit! The 26 YR old also said you're NOT supposed to have 2 chins and if you do it means you're fat so I guess it's "official" then:
I'm FAT.
I also heard on the news nearby the RCMP caught a wanted fugitive from Manitoba; a murderer, and there were cops all over, and tactical units and people were ordered to stay indoors, the whole thing, just like you see on TV and shots were fired and everything, but they arrested the guy OK. Wow.....nothing exciting like that ever happens around here!!

One life for you, one life for your dreams.


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