Tuesday, June 29, 2021


Yesterday my friend A (from Ottawa) posted up on his Facebook that he got his second vaccine and asked people to respond and others said funny things like now he's "magnetic" "radioactive" "has a GPS implanted in him" "has a tracer implanted" is a "lizard-person" etc. and I posted the above anti-vaxx meme and shortly after he sent me an angry message saying NOT to post any of my anti-vaxx stuff on his wall.....even though he had no issue with what the others were posting( and he had deleted my comment but not theirs) so why was I singled out? It really hurts too because we've been friends for over 35 years now and I value his friendship and care what he thinks, unlike other people, if they ridicule me, exclude me and reject me they can just f*ck off and I don't care what they think but it does hurt when even my own friends reject me, de-friend me, block me, etc. because I reject this whole Corona crap with all the mandates, lockdowns, restrictions, vaccines, etc. I have a right  to think and believe what I want even if it is different than what the majority thinks and this whole thing has just always felt so wrong to me and I just can't in good conscience go along with it, believe it, agree with it, or go along with it,and Ive never been one to go along with the crowd and follow the herd and I'm used  to NOT fitting in and always going in the opposite direction of everyone else but when it's my own family and friends turning on me too that's really hard but then you also have to ask yourself too: are they really "friends" though if they would dump you like that and turn their back on you simply because you disagree about something? You can have different opinions and beliefs and still be friends.. That's one of the worse things about this Scamdemic  too(as well as loss of our freedoms) is how it divides people; it divides family and friends, it breaks up friendships, it socially distances people, it divides vaccinated against unvaccinated, etc.

It's the same with my friend T(also from Ottawa) who I've been friends with now for over 30 years; he hates my anti-vaxx stance too and almost de-friended me from his Facebook due to my posts but decided against it only because we've been friends for so long but has de-friended others and he did stop following me on Twitter for the same reason and it's hurtful, which leaves me 2 options: to think and re-consider my stance and position and give in to the pressure of social conditioning in order to keep  my friends but to go against everything I believe in or to stay the course and remain resolute and steadfast to what I believe and risk losing everyone and being out there all on my own but staying true to my principles and what I believe to be true.....
I know what I have to do. The same thing I've always done.
I have to stay true to what I believe is right and speak my truth even if I have to do it alone.

I also took this gorgeous photo of Buddy yesterday when he was snuggling on my lap. he got sooo many likes on Facebook for it,too, not surprisingly. He's such a sweet guy. He even has his own Facebook page too and twice as many friends as I do,too; over 600! Yesterday I also saw the neighbours at the corner( the ones that sold their house) with this fancy, big-ass swanky RV they were struggling to back up into their driveway and it took them a good 15 minutes to do so and it was almost comical to watch and I wonder if they're moving soon as the house does look "bare" now and they took down the sold sign they had on their lawn for the longest time......hmmm....I wonder....maybe we'll have some new neighbours soon?



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