Thursday, June 3, 2021

Selfie Day.

Yesterday on my Facebook Older Stoners group it was Selfie Day for a laugh I posted this photo shown here. It's that guy from the 80's movie The Goonies but I can't remember his name(I know, isn't that awful?) but he's the one that yelled out, Hey, you guys! (I can remember that!) and I liked it so much I even put it up as my Facebook profile picture and there is sort of a resemblance...ha,ha. Today it's also raining soooo heavy Buddy and I just got drenched out for this morning's walk and even after I towelled him off to dry he was still soaking wet; we both looked like drowned rats and the next few days it's supposed to be really hot ,too, like 33 C with humidex around 38C! I sure wish we had our pool open as that would be perfect swimming(and cooling off in the water) weather!Yesterday as I was sitting out in the yard trying to hear my music the neighbours next-door had their Rap and HipHop music loudly blaring too but I just thank God that it wasn't redneck country music! There's also nothing quite like sitting outside in the sun topless smoking a doobie. it just feels so nice and I'm too old to care what anyone says and I don't give a shit what anybody thinks. Just do whatever makes you happy. The provincial Stay-At-Home order ended now too(after something like 6 weeks) but businesses are still all closed, so where are we supposed to go?

My loud hacking Old Man cough I've had for months( maybe even longer; it's hard to keep track of time it goes by so fast) is worse now too and now I even cough up hork now,too, and I thought it was just from smoking lots of weed...but maybe it's NOT; maybe it's even lung cancer, congestive heart failure, or a pulmonary embolism or something?  There's also this online charity run advertised on the radio they say you can run or walk as fast or slow as you want anywhere and my speed is walking from the couch to the fridge and last night the 26 YR old saved me a Drumstick icecream too and that was the nicest thing ever! I LOVE those things and I thought it was a sweet and kind gesture,esp. when the others treat me like shit, so to have someone be thoughtful to me really meant alot(and there's a reason he's always been one of my faves; he's actually nice to me)  and the 14 YR old says I'm crazy because I talk to my food too but my mother said only if it talks back but that's crazy; it's food; of course it doesn't talk!

I don't really think aliens are real either as I would think it would have been mentioned in the Bible but if there were it's no wonder that they haven't tried to make contact with humans though; they're probably afraid of us we're so violent with all the wars, genocide, violence, hate, killing, etc. and fear what we'd do to them if they were discovered,which is actually probably true,and why do people always assume aliens are bad and want to harm us anyway? Maybe they're benevolent and can teach us? It's odd too that in ancient Egypt people with red hair were revered as "gods" but now they're mocked and called Gingers but I love red hair though and wish I had it, like that character in the movie Brave, and I wonder too what Pharoah Ramses would think if only he knew there's a brand of condoms named after him? Calling me "crazy" for thinking, doing, saying, or admitting something isn't a deterrent either as I know I'm crazy and I just go with it, I own it, and I still have my girlish magical fantasyland dreams,too, of fluffy clouds, rainbows, glitter, unicorns, Hello Kitty, Care Bears, My Little Pony, castles, sequins, pink frilly stuff, etc. Never let your Inner Child die.

Don't believe everything you think you know.


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