Friday, June 18, 2021

The Blanket.

A couple of year ago the almost- 20 year old( her birthday is  tomorrow!) bought this really nice soft fuzzy snuggly cozy blanket around Christmas time, the pale pink one pictured here I always liked but she never let me use or even touch as my "cooties" would "infect" it(yeah, she's mean like that) and I looked all over in every store I could to find one just like that for myself but never could find it but as it would turn out when she left for Vancouver for school she could only take so much in her luggage(which was already overweight) and certainly not a big bulky heavy blanket so she had to leave it behind here so guess who gets it use it all the time now? I bring it outside in the backyard with me on days where it's cool and breezy, such as cool shady days, crispy cool fall days or evenings out on the porch, so yeah! I finally got one,afterall, so suck it!!  The 14 YR old's also going over to his friend's house again today(his name is Edison too but I keep thinking it's Einstein, just knowing that it's an inventor and genius) and I wish that  could go over with him and go swimming too since our pool's never going to be open! I heard a radio ad for Father's Day as well saying to spend it with your favourite family and I'd have to really think long and hard who my  favourite family even is! Yesterday the DJ also said it was 8am and I freaked out thinking I slept in late and I bolted up and went Whaaat? and checked my clock but luckily it was only 6 am, he just got the time wrong but it made me panic there for awhile! The 22 and 25 YR old's BF's also took a week off work to play the new World of Warcraft  expansion too and the 26 YR old also said all the guys in their 20's at his work did the same thing,too! HA! That game's been around a long time: I remember my oldest( who turns 32 this YR!) first playing it as a teen!

My hubby just saw an old photo of James Spader from The Blacklist  the other day( shown here) when he was young and he had no idea how hot  he was as he just knows him as how he is now middle-aged, but I knew; I used to swoon over him in those 80's movies(where I first knew him from, back in the day) where he always played the mean, bad rich boys or frat boys. Wasn't he a hunk? He didn't watch the recent episode this week yet of The Blacklist but I did and he said he heard a rumour that Liz won't be coming back next season and wondered if maybe Townshend kills her at the end of this season(which is next week's episode) and Reddington spends next season going after him avenging her death and without even thinking I just blurted out, NOPE!! and then he goes, 'Thanks' for the SPOILER!!! but I didn't mean it or even realize, but in this week's episode Townshend finally got what was "coming" to him and I have a theory too and think I have it figured out who Reddington's real identity is,too: Katarina Rostova, Liz's mother! I think she got a sex-change and took on Reddington's identity herself and it makes perfect sense as that way she could stay safe and hidden, protect her daughter, still watch over her daughter and later on get to know her,still maintain all her contacts, and remain agent all adds up too since Reddington also has burns from a fire and Katarina did go back into the burning house to rescue Liz when she was a child and it would also explain why Reddington will do anything to protect Liz; if she's his child....hmmmm.... I wonder......

I also had this scary nightmare the 22 and 25 YR olds were little and laying on the road and their heads got run over by a bus, and luckily Buddy stiull seems to be back to his normal usual self and he's my Soul Dog and the bond we have is forever, and Sinead O'Connor posted on Twitter  that she's a "bad mother" and 3 out of her 4 kids don't even talk to her but added that you can't be good at everything and my kids think I'm a bad mother,too, but the thing is I'm not good at anything and someone also said You're not a 'failure'; you're in-between successes so that must mean that I'm in-between successes my entire life, and despite what my kids might think they did have a good childhood though; they went to Cadets camp and Bible camp, I took them abroad so they got to travel, they had an inground pool, they were homeschooled so they got to avoid public school bullying and peer-pressure, they had good friends that endured for years( most of whom are now all married and have families) they've never been into trouble with drugs, gangs, the police, teen pregnancies, bad influences, alcohol, etc. and most of them went on to either college or university.

Dying all the time Lose your dreams And you will lose your mind a'int life unkind? Ruby Tuesday -Rolling Stones


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