Saturday, June 12, 2021

The Photos.

Last week my cousin B told me thru Facebook  that she had come across a bunch of old photos of my mother when she was younger and wanted to know if she'd like them or if she should just toss them out and she doesn't have that many photos of herself so I said she'd love them and she asked for our address as she wasn't sure if she had the right one and then for a moment there the paranoid guarded side of me, the side that's used to being in the run and being cautious and suspicious and hiding personal info for fear of it getting into the wrong hands and being exposed,found, and in danger creeped in and the thought entered my mind What if it's NOT really her and just someone else posing using her account wanting your address?(which has happened before) and I panicked but then dismissed it and gave it anyway, pushing those old thoughts behind me now the danger has long since passed(I'd just been "programmed" to think that way for so long it stays with me and was just automatic) and the other day the photos arrived in the mail only I had totally forgot about them and never mentioned it to her so when they came I was outside and she said to me surprised Look what someone sent me! and she was completely baffled and had no idea where it came from as my cousin didn't put a name or return address on it so it was quite a mystery and then I laughed and remembered and told her. She was really happy to see them and it'll be nice for the kids to see as well. I posted the photos here above and she's with a bunch of cousins. She's the dark-haired one.

Yesterday was also the first day our Dear Leaders partly opened up businesses and everywhere was just packed with huge lines as everyone rushed out to get all their stuff  anticipating until they announce the probable next lockdown as it seems to follow a cycle; they open up our cage doors and set us free for a few days, or perhaps maybe a week and then they put us all under lockdown again so we all scurry out like frenzied mice and gather up all our supplies until we have to hunker down again for another 3 months or so. An outspoken rebel MP also got arrested  and hauled off in handcuffs by the RCMP( or should I say the Gestapo?) for protesting the lockdowns as well although they phrased it as for "breaking COVID social distancing rules" but we all know it's for speaking out and NOT towing the Party Line just like others have been, in gov't, in the military,police, medical doctors( they've even been fired,too) pastors, etc. in true tyranny style. Harvey's also has this slogan Proudly Canadian since 1950 (so does that mean NOT proud before 1950?)  but not me; there's nothing to be "proud" of; just embarrassed and ashamed; this racist shithole country, and with the Residential Schools and now with the COVID oppression. Some groups are even boycotting Canada Day this year too(I never celebrated it) and you can see the chatter online alot of people are so fed-up they want to leave the country(just like I do) too!!

This is also the view I get on my porch in the backyard, my sanctuary, my quiet peaceful place, my Zen garden. You can see my sunflowers, my Gerbera daisy, my baby palm tree and the vines and all the trees. I just love it. It's almost like my own little private tropical paradise. You can't see it from the picture but the pool is also on the other side of the porch fence. I also heard this radio ad where they said that it can be hard for some families to afford back to school supplies but I don't hear so well and I thought  they said it can be hard for some families to afford pool supplies and I thought hey! That's us! because it costs easily 2K for all the chemicals to open the pool for the 3 month season. First-World problems, I know, but still, the pool is the only thing  I'd have in the summer, esp. now with travel banned and no CNE either( cancelled 2 years in a row) and now I don't even have that anymore!  No matter how old I am I never tire of watching airplanes take off and land either (and the McDonald's at the airport in Athens was just perfect for that;too; the view is of the runway and you can sit there and eat your food and watch the planes come and go; I just loved it!) and my dream was to be a pilot but with my perception problems, lack of math skills, bad eyesight and now seizures too that dream will always be elusive but I still love flying, and when you really think about it wearing a Crucifix on a chain around your neck is kind of creepy and macabre too; sort of like "celebrating" Jesus' method of torture, so if He had been shot instead would people be wearing little replicas of guns as necklaces instead? Yesterday was also the 35th anniversary of my all-time fave. movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off and the funny thing is too that I almost didn't even watch it; it was a rainy day and I was bored so I decided to watch a movie so I rented it even though I thought it sounded kind of lame; oh, wow, some kid skips school....but I had nothing better to do so I watched it and I LOVED it and it ended up being my fave. movie ever of all time, so yet another example of trying  something in case you might like it and look what you might miss out on if you don't!

With God all things are possible.


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