Wednesday, June 16, 2021


Even though Buddy never had any more bleeding yesterday I was still worried about him: he was limping(he has arthritis in his hip) and slept all day and he didn't eat and was hardly peeing much and the "light" in his eyes was gone and he just looked so sad and his "spark" was gone and it was almost as if he was fading away  and I was so scared. he just wasn't his usual self and I was so afraid he was dying yet despite it he still had a weak little tail wag for me and I gave him CBD oil to ease the pain and to relax him and make him more comfortable and later on in the evening around 7 pm he "perked" up, much to my joy and relief and he ate, his "sparkle" was back and he was even back to humping my leg again so he seems to be feeling better now, thank God! I wonder what it was though? I was really really worried and scared though but once he got the pain relief he was much better and he wasn't limping any more either. My poor old Motherheart was in such agony though, fearful I was losing him, the best thing to ever happen to me and I was preparing myself that yesterday was very likely our Last Day but God had other plans and we're still here.

Yesterday I also saw this guy coming down the street about a block or so away and I thought to myself, He's got such a great tan! I love it! and only once he got closer for me to see better did I realize he was Black! I really need to wear my glasses! 😄.and I also had a thought that Vlad The Impaler had his very own collection of actual human scarecrows, and it's always been "funny" to me too how when British or Aussies sing you can't hear their accent, and I came across this question yesterday as well Things that you clinb and I said trees but the answer was stairs proving yet again that I don't think like and am not like, other people,and my hubby said that he and the almost 20 YR old aren't able to see in pictures either, like if someone said red balloon for example I would instantly visualize a picture of a red balloon in my mind but he said they don't; that it's just a black "screen" and even when he dreams it's not visual; not in pictures, whereas when I do it's like watching a movie,and it's even in colour,too. How weird is that?

I also had this thought: I used to think that the Catholic Church was the True Church since exorcisms were only successful by Catholic priests and people of other faiths come to them to have them performed so I figured the demons recognized God's True Church and authority and submitted to it and that was why only Catholic priests were successful in performing exorcisms.....but now the thought occurred to me that maybe it's actually the opposite(esp. given the pedophile priest scandal, the Residential Schools, the Vatican corruption,etc.) with the Smoke of Satan entering the Church that perhaps that's why the demons submit and obey; because Satan is their master and if it's actually him secretly behind the Catholic Church that's why their exorcisms are's just a blew me away though and really hit me hard and is something to ponder deeply....

I'm older now but still running against the wind.-Bob Seger.


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