Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Yesterday I got a notice from Facebook  saying I was banned yet again  this time for 3 days (the usual had been 24 HRS) plus they also had deleted 3 other posts I put up,too, this time all because I had responded to a post the news channel put up on their page about how wild coyotes have been a danger to residents and their pets in a Toronto neighbourhood and the authorities aren't doing anything and the people are scared as they've been attacked and I said They should just shoot them; human lives matter more than the coyotes. That's it; that's all I said and they censored it, deleted it and banned me for 3 days saying my comment violated their standards  and incited violence. WTF? Are they serious? I wasn't talking about shooting people!This is beyond ricidulous and I challenged the decision and of all the controversial things I've posted this  is the one that gets me a 3 day ban? Seriously? That's also a true sign of tyranny and oppression,too; censorship; differing opinions are not tolerated and dissenters are silenced and punished.So I can still read other people's posts but I can't share them to my page and I can't post anything myself and I can't comment on anyone else's either. That really sucks and all just for nothing! Speaking of oppression and tyranny, at least the good is the Toronto airport revoked  their vaccine segregation of having 2 separate entrances for vaccinated and non-vaccinated arrivals and they claim  it was because it wasn't efficient and NOT due to public backlash even though we all know differently. Hopefully all the world-wide protests against the Draconian lockdowns, restrictions, curfews, mandates, etc. will put an end to those too now more and more people are finally  starting to wake up and see what's happening, that us so-called Conspiricy Theorists  were right all along, about the the whole thing, about everything.As soon as I get the  next chance to leave this country too I'm never  coming back! I refuse to live under tyranny and oppression.This is NOT the kind of world I want to live in.

Today the 14 YR old is going camping for a few days with his friend and his family so he had to go to the store yesterday for some supplies because we don't camp and he didn't have any of the stuff he needs and luckily they have a trailer so it's safer and he's not sleeping in a tent so he's safe from bears and has better shelter if it rains, and I spend all summer either bare foot or in flip-flops and Buddy hasn't been feeling well for the past couple of days,either, he's been limping along and not eating much and it makes me sad to think too now he's 15 this might be his last summer and our last summer together as well and sometimes you get lucky and someone comes into your life and brings love, light, joy,and healing like no one else ever has and that's what he is to me, and my mother saw her doctor yesterday and despite trying her best to "cheat" on her blood work(by not eating anything fatty or sweet the day before the test) her blood sugar and cholesteral is still high so she still got ratted-out,afterall( ha, ha; it serves her right!) but she has no one to blame but herself when she's always cheating on her diabetic diet eating forbidden foods like fried food( such as bacon) salty food(chips)and sugary crap like candy, donuts, etc. The neighbour also said his 33 week prego daughter has been leaking fluid  for the past week ever since she got the COVID vaccine too and is now 3 cm dilated as well meaning likely either get an infection from fluid loss or go into premature labour, neither of which is good, and that vaccine is dangerous  and why would she take it even more so when she's prego and risk harming the baby like that? Some people are just sooooo stupid and don't think! When I was prego I wouldn't even take a Tylenol!

Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid I'm still standing after all this time. -I'm Still Standing -Elton John


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