Wednesday, July 14, 2021

My Cousin.

This is one of my cousin's kids. She's 14 and just graduated grade 8 and will be heading into highschool in the fall and is one of 4 siblings. Isn't she just beautiful? I think she looks exactly like the actress Amanda Siegfried!  If she already  looks like this at 14 imagine what she'll look like as an adult?I bet she'll have no problem being popular in highschool and all the boys will be after her and she won't have to worry about being bullied. She does have 2 beautiful parents though,too( my cousin and his wife, shown here in their wedding photo):
so I guess it makes sense, but I have seen beautiful people have an FLK ( Funny-Looking Kid) and equally I have also seen ugly people have adorable kids, so you never know, and then there's also like in my case, 2 homely people having one go-dawful fugly-looking kid. It's sort of funny, though; my cousin and one of his sisters are actually the only good-looking people( oh, wait, as well as another cousin on my father's side of the family and my Babushka's youngest brother who looked like James Dean) that are good-looking and everyone else is fat and /or ugly or both. Generally I have ugly relatives on both sides, so, of course, that doesn't bode well for me right from the beginning I was cursed in the genetic lottery, but the good-looking ones ended up to be really good-looking, though, like models! It seems to be either one extreme or the other. As for my own kids, I have one pretty one.There is a danger in pretty girls though, the ever-present danger of pedophiles and kidnappers when they're little and of pervs, stalkers, obsessive men, rapists, etc. when they're older. something that ugly people like me don't have to worry about, but there's alo the perks,too, such as popularity, getting free stuff, having opportunities and "doors opened" for them others just don't have( sort of like White Priviledge only for good-looking people)getting promotions, advancements, raises, simply even being hired, being chosen above others, always having dates, going to Prom, being asked to dance, etc.Still, if given the choice I would still much rather be pretty than ugly and my life would have been soooo much different.Life is very unkind to the ugly,believe me, and is much easier for the attractive.

Yesterday my friend L(from our old church) also told me terrible news: one of her sons, who is also my oldest's friend since they were teens(and he was also the first one to sell me weed before I got my medical marijuana license) is in the big city hospital fighting for his life with a fungal infection in his heart and lungs! He can't breathe and it's not looking good! She said they don't know how he got it but when I told my mother she was judgemental and snarked he probably got it from a bad batch of 'magic Mushrooms'!  because he smokes weed she assumes he takes other drugs,too, but when I checked Google it said it's from mold you get from anywhere outdoors such as wooded areas, construction sites, trees, ferns, leaves, compost,etc.and you get it by inhaling the spores. We also had this baaad storm yesterday too and my hubby had parked the car ascross the street overnight in case any limbs fell off the big old Maple trees the neighbour or we have in front of our house and land on the car in the driveway only I forgot that he did and this morning when I took Buddy out for his early morning walk I saw the car was gone and at first I thought it either got stolen or thought to myself, Where did he possibly go this early? My mother also has this really bad shoulder pain for the past 2 days but when I offered her some weed to ease the pain she refused but she can't say that I didn't ask.

Yesterday I also found a nice surprise I didn't know I even had: a Cadbury Easter Creme Egg! I still had one left over from Easter and I was just so estatic to find it! You can't find them now; it's a seasonal thing only available at Easter so I *REALLY* enjoyed it even more than usual, and my allergies have been really bad lately,too, for the past few days, and the 14 YR old just finished his homeschool lessons,too and it's the middle of July; (he's supposed to be done the end of June and have summer off July and August) partly because he was slacking-off and partly because my hubby was slacking-off in marking it. I also came across this learning disability similar to Dyslexia only for math and numbers that could possibly explain why I've always struggled with math from grade 4, even since multiplication started and couldn't line up columns of numbers to add or subtract and always got confused, and can't do long division, or calculate math in my head and have to count on my fingers and why I struggled to learn how to tell time on the analog clock as a kid and why it took me forever and I only could finally figure it out(it was like all of a sudden a light just went off) when someone told me if I start at 12 and count by '5's" with each number on the clock I can tell what time it is, and why I often reverse numbers, like if I see a "21" I first see it as a "12" and have to stare at it for awhile before I see it right, etc.... Maybe I'm not  so stupid afterall? maybe I just have a learning disability with math, which might explain why I got A and B in all my other subjects but always failed(and had to keep repeating) math,and why in my last year of highschool(when I got to finally drop math as a subject) I finally made the Honour Roll, without my low math grade to always bring my Average down?

I also realized too I am a Reverse Oreo; I'm White on the outside and Black on the inside, and the 14 YR old hates it too that I always have to "nag" him to do everything; to do his school work, to do his chores, to have his shower, to put on deoderant, to get ready when he's going out, to come down to eat, etc. but if he did what I told him the first time  then I wouldn't have  to keep reminding him and repeating myself, and the oldest described this town( and this entire country,actually!) perfectly,too: a Podunk shithole town , and I heard on the news now too the gov't is advising the Sheeple to Don't think for yourselves; listen to the 'experts' and if that's NOT brainwashing and mind control then I don't know what is, and I would never be stupid enough to blindly believe, listen to, follow or obey the gov't( or anyone for that matter!) without thinking for myself! I mean really? WTF? and there's talk of making vaccines mandatory  too and denying access and services to unvaccinated people too(like segregation and Apartheid!) making them basically house-bound denied entry for travel, events, concerts, threatres, restaurants, etc. but I really don't mind so much personally(it's the human rights issue I have an issue with) as I like staying safe at home away from other people with my social phobia) but the whole premise of denying a certain group of people is wrong(and discrimination) though; like making Black people use separate water fountains or sit at the back of the bus, or bakeries denying gay couples cakes, etc. and it does sound more and more like the Mark Of The Beast  in the Book Of Revelation too where it said those that don't receive the mark will be denied access and services and will be unable to buy, sell and trade, etc. but God's people are commanded to NOT get it and I would rather die first.

'you are the universe expressing itself as a human for a little while'' - Eckhart Tolle


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