Tuesday, July 20, 2021

My Sunflowers At 2 Months.

My sunflowers are now 8 weeks(or 2 months) old now and sooo tall, up to my nose now but have many yellow leaves so it worries me and I wonder now if after the success of growing so many(I have 26 or 27 now, my best crop yield yet!) I won't end up actually getting any flowers though if they're dying, esp. if they have some sort of root fungus.....wouldn't that just be MY "luck" though? I'm such a failure at everything. I think I must be some sort of jinx  or something! Yesterday the dance studio across the street also had a professional put up 4 big signs/decals/stickers whatever-you-call-them on their windows advertising the place on their windows and it looks really nice and one of them has a ballerina on it and it also gives them some privacy too so people can't peek in the windows anymore and watch them dancing, like some perverts that like to watch the girls in their leotards and tights! It was soooo  hot yesterday too humidity was 93% and it felt like 39C but also hazy because of the wildfires (and you could even smell the smoke when you went outside) so I was still able to be outside for a few hours before the heat got too  intolerable and supposed to be the same today along with a severe storm to bring the humidity down.It's days like this  that I really wish we had our pool open!

Yesterday as well a butterfly kept landing on me so I don't know if that symbolizes anything, and my friend's son is still in a coma and still has the infection plus fluid in his lungs as well but he's a fighter and I'd trade my life for his if I could, and I finally got my coconut oil(I use as a skin moisturizer) which is actually really hard to find in this hick-ass town, and ever since I got my new computer I'm no longer able to upload music anymore( I can download songs and convert to MP3 but that's it) or sync it onto my iPod so I haven't been able to add any new songs and it really sucks, and my friend F( from grade 6) also told me he's an atheist too which shocked and surprised me since he was baptized Catholic as an adult (he's from China where they have no religion) and goes to Mass every week with his family but he just does it for his wife, and I find that to just be so phony, so dishonest and hypocritical; why even bother if he doesn't even believe in God, and I wonder if his wife even knows? Why would he go to church and just "go thru the motions" and fake it if he doesn't even believe in God? He said the Bible is too hard to understand which is shit because he's always been a really smart guy and he's an accountant for f*ck's sake, so he's NOT stupid...

It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.-Revelation 13:16,17.

This is also the Bible verse in the Book of Revelation that describes the Mark Of The Beast and I'm pretty sure it's the vaccines the world's gov'ts keep pushing, and now this gov't is allowing international travellers to enter the country in a couple of months too but only if they're vaccinated,yet still onl;y with certain approved vaccines, so they're even discriminating among the vaccinated now,too( as well as discriminating among non-vaccinated by not allowing them access and entry to certain places and events) and even being vaccinated they still require them to quarantine for 2 weeks upon arrival, too, so what's even the point of getting the vaccines then if they still have the same restrictions? The whole thing is just so contradictory and stupid. It's all just about control and suppression.

I wonder as well if Prince Harry really left Royal life on his own or if he really is James Hewitt's son afterall( he looks just like him and his mother did have an affair with him) and the Royal Family kicked him out, and I found out too that Lou Gehrig was a baseball player which I never knew; I just thought he was the first guy to get Lou Gehrig's disease and they named it after him, and I would also give away everything I own if it means my dog could live forever and I form attachments with animals easier and better than with people,too,probably due to my autism and also most likely because unlike people they don't judge me and despite my imperfections, flaws, looks, deficits,etc. they still love me anyway, and my mother hates the smell of my weed too but I don't like the fetid stench of when she cooks her gross Brussels Sprouts and liver,either; that's so bad it makes me nauseous and my hubby's ashamed of me for smoking weed,too, yet I'm also ashamed that he's so ill-mannered,too, and drinks right out of the milk carton, litters, throws food at the table, eats with his hands, etc. at least I wasn't brought up in a barn!

In a world of circles, be a square.- Wendy's.


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