Thursday, July 29, 2021

Rainbow Jesus.

 I have often wondered about this and I know alot of Christians are going to think it's blasphemous and be horrified at even just the thought and suggestion  of it, but sometimes I really actually do wonder if Jesus might have actually been gay, because it was very  unusual, virtually unheard of ,for  Jewish man in his 30's to NOT be married  esp. in that time period and then there's also the issue of when it was stated about the apostle James being referred to as The Disciple whom Jesus loved....  and as far as I know didn't He love all  of them( well, except for maybe Judas who betrayed Him...) since they were all His friends and followers, so why specifically single out James in particular unless he was of special signifigent importance to Him, such as a partner? That might also explain why Jesus preached love, tolerance, acceptance and inclusion of all people, and esp. those that are marginalized and shunned or forgotten by society such as prostitutes, widows, lepers, the poor, etc. Wouldn't that  be something  though if it actually turned out that He was and when you die and go to Heaven and have all knowledge and wisdom of all things you find out; just imagine how all those judgemental hateful so-called "Christians" (like the Westboro Baptist Church comes to mind here) would react, to find out that Jesus was gay; that He was actually  among one of those that they hate and persecuted so much? I would love to see the looks on their stunned faces! All I know is God loves everybody and it's up to Him to judge, not us.

Today Buddy also got to see his Bitches  again(and he's feeling better now,too and yesterday he even looked more perky, and he was playing with his toys and he was so hungry after NOT eating much for 2 days he was ravenous and was eating everything!) and their Hooman  also told me the Beast  next-door attacked  someone last night too( and it's come after Buddy and I a few times as well and I've also seen it charging after other people just walking down the street) so he said he's going to call Animal Control and hopefully they'll confiscate it, and he said his daughter saw her doc and has a cesarian scheduled for 2 weeks when she'll be 35-36 weeks but will still be leaking fluid in the meantimes and it shocks me they just seem to be so laid-back and unconcerned for the baby and even losing 7 others to Child Welfare she was so matter-of-fact about it,too, as if They're gone but I can always have more... I also saw a herd of teen girls walking down the street and only 1 had a mask on (outside!)so for me it was like playing a game of Guess Who The Sheeple is...and my allergies were so bad yesterday too my nose kept running and my eyes were soooo itchy it was driving me crazy and nothing's worse than an itch(esp. in your eyes!!) and I'd rather even have pain than itch, and I also horked up so much hork too I was choking and couldn't get my breath and I wonder why so much and where it came from and the 14 YR old's away camping and the 26 YR old didn't even notice he wasn't even here and just thought he was upstairs in his room on his computer like usual!

“I came into this world covered in someone else’s blood and screaming. I’m not afraid to leave it the same way.”


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