Thursday, July 22, 2021

TBT: Re-post From Last July: The Shadow


So the night before last I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and the next-door neighbour's bedroom window is directly across our upstairs hallway and even though they did have their lights off as I was walking by to the bathroom I noticed 2 shadows standing right in front of the window( perhaps it had been lit up by our security light in the driveway or something, I don't know) and it was very clear it was a naked young man and woman and the man was standing up and the woman was kneeling down in front of him giving him a BJ and I just gasped in shock and shut my eyes and quickly scrambled out of there as quickly as I could and ran back to bed as fast as I could, trying as hard as I could to erase that revolting image out of my head so I could go back to sleep but some things you just can't unsee. I have to say that I wasn't expecting to see that. Oh, my God! There were also 3-4 cop cars at the end of our street early yesterday morning when I took Buddy out for his morning walk so I guess either the corner store got robbed again or maybe someone got shot or something or another redneck domestic but my hubby joked maybe someone got reported to the Mask  Gestapo  for not wearing a mask indoors. HA! I also discovered that bug repellent spray covers up weed smell and that bug repellent seems to be my "official" scent/perfume of summer.

This is also the nice new chess set the 25 YR old got and the timer is now digital,too. It came in a box(the timer) that had a picture on it that it looked like something you'd use to build a bomb,too, and yesterday he had a friend over to and taught them jiu-jitsu and sometimes he and others practice "underground" as it's still officially shut down due to the so-called overblown "pandemic" even though it's completely resolved here and we have zero cases in the entire county they still do it anyway and he jokes he runs an illegal Fight Club (ha,ha) and now parents are scared shit-less to even send their kids back to school in the fall(at least the good of it though is that now homeschooling is now more widely known and accepted and practiced) and everyone is now just so afraid of everything and everyone, of going out, and even scared of their own shadow; the authorities and the media have scared everyone into blind submission( that's a well-known tactic to control people; frighten and isolate them and then they look up to the gov't for guidance and "protection"; they know what to do to "help" us, to keep us "safe",  and put misguided blind trust into them and do whatever they tell them, even at the loss of their freedom and it's sort of like that analogy of slowly boiling a frog in a pot of water; put it in the pot and slowly turn the temp up and it won't notice it's being slowly boiled alive and it adapts and gets used to it and over time slowly accepts it but if you boil it all at once it notices and refuses and revolts; that's the way it is with the Coronavirus "pandemic" and panic; they isolate and separate and scare people slowly over time, take away their rights and they accept it as the new norm without  question; divide and conquer, and sadly most of them don't even see what's happening and those that do are labelled crazy or conspiracy theorists.

I was also walking Buddy yesterday and there's this workman across the street and he didn't see Buddy at first as being a low-rider( Dachshund) he was hidden buried behind the tall grass and he just saw me chattering away and at first he said to me he thought I was crazy, talking to myself until he later saw the tiny dog emerge from behind the grass and he laughed. I do also happen to be crazy but that's another matter. My hubby was screaming and berating me again for repeating myself(which is an Asperger's thing I can't help and he knows it and I'm not even aware that I do until someone complains about it) and then I, tired of always being bawled out for something I have no control over, gave it right back to him and shot back,What about your  stupid 'Retard Noises' that you do( that annoy the f*ck out of ME and that the therapist told me before that he can't help and I shouldn't criticize,yet for some reason it IS ok for him to always put me down for things can't help?)well, can't help it,either, only I'm  the only one that gets belittled for it, and if YOU look in the mirror you'll see that YOU'RE old, fat and ugly TOO! just to remind him that I'M not the only one(even though he hates me for it and I'm the only one who gets berated for it) and then the asshole shut-up! I'm just soooo sick and tired of all his abuse and his shit. he also refused to help me get the news on as it wasn't working for me and he had to get it thru the laptop to the TV but he was too busy with his addiction (Dr.Mario game on his phone) and wouldn't even stop for a few mere seconds to help me,either. He's such a colossal prick!

My mother saw her doctor yesterday too and her blood sugar is up(of course as she ignores her diabetes diet and hardly ever even bothers to take her blood sugar) and is vitamin D deficient as she never even goes outside anymore( so doesn't get any sunlight, something I don't have to worry about) as all she ever does now is lays in bed all day so he told her the same thing he always does and as usual she'll ignore him as she always does and then she'll continue to feel nauseated and have no energy like she always does because she doesn't manage her diabetes and then she'll complain why does she feel so sick all the time and so it goes.

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