This is our mighty Ficus plant and I think it just might be eternal as when we moved into the house 18 years ago the previous owners had left it behind,and it's still here, so I don't know exactly how old it is but it's over 18 YRS old anyway and it's older than our 2 youngest kids! I don't know how long a Ficus is even supposed to live for but I'm pretty sure that this one must have broken some sort of record and out-lived it's normal natural life span and the kids were even asking Are you sure it's even real? and for awhile there it even made me question myself,too, have I been watering a fake plant all these years? but it is real because it sheds dried up leaves on regular occasion and it has grown bigger and taller over the years and now on some leaves it's tunring yellow on parts...It also gets stressed-out when we move it from it's regular spot over to another window during Christmas-time to put the tree there and it shows it's displeasure and stress bu shedding leaves. It's just so sad.During Christmas we also hang a few ornament bulbs on the Ficus too to make it "festive." Maybe that cheers it up a bit?
Yesterday the guy also came to "check" our water meter(we kept getting these letters in the mail about it) but I think the whole thing just sounds "fishy" and like some sort of scam; my mother and hubby insist that it's mandated(there's that totalitarian word again that we've been hearing alot of lately!) they have to come and check and do whatever, but my reasoning is why do they even have to go around into everybody's house and "check" their meters? it just doesn't seem right. I mean if something's obviously wrong with your water you're going to notice and then you'll call them and let them know, they don't have to go around checking everyone's(and why wouldn't they all be working,anyway so that they'd all need to be checked?), so I'm suspicious it's actually something else; that they really want access to everyone's house for another reason, perhaps to install something else on the meters, maybe a listening device or some other kind of monitoring device, or even just to "case" the place to see what you have with the intention to return later to rob you, as the whole thing just doesn't sound right and it's all just so intrusive and I told them to just refuse as you don't have to let anyone into your house(not even the police) unless they have a warrant, but as always I was ignored and they bowed down to authority, and I also noticed as well that now the vaccine rates have gone up and are so high so also are the death rates that they blame on COVID(how can that be if most of the sheeple are vaccinated?) but I bet are really actually due to the vaccines but of course they'll never admit to. Coincidence? I think NOT...
I also had these scary dreams that all my teeth fell out(I have that one often) and that Buddy died in my arms, bleeding out of his eyes, and my hubby is now off 2 weeks vacation as well, and the new neighbours look really young,too, like just in their 20's so I don't know how people so young could possibly afford a house that cost almost 7 hundred thousand $$$ and they're having all this landscaping done,too, which is costly, and the radio DJ said he saw a bear in his yard,and I saw these 2 old ladies walking down the street side-by-side pushing their walkers and I could imagine them 30-40 years ago doing the same only pushing baby strollers, and I think it would have been a better idea if they had chosen another colour other than orange for their T-shirts in support of Residential School victims and survivors as well as seeing a bunch of people wearing orange shirts walking down the street looks like a bunch of escaped prisoners, and some people say you can't blame the people now for the wrongs of past history and you shouldn't "dwell" on it and you can't change th past,etc. which is true, but at the same time we must also still remember(and teach) history and learn from the mistakes of the past so that we don't ever repeat them, and you know how salmon swim upstream against the current to spawn and then they mutate and die? That's what having kids did to me,too, and at least the one thing you can say about me is that I'm NOT "ordinary"; I'm not like other people and I'm unique.
I will never simp for the System.
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