Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Shoes.

These were my all-time fave. shoes of my childhood!  I had this exact same pair when I was 9 or 10 years old,the same time I started to really tune in to and appreciate music, also the same time I became a KISS fan(I was even a member of the KISS Army and had the KISS Army  patch), so that would have been in 1976 or 1977. Platform shoes were all the style and rage then and I remember these ones to this day and of all the shoes I had these were my all-time fave. and I esp. love the platform shoes with the stripes on them and I would still wear it today too for nostalgia reasons and also because I still like the style. Some things never change. Other faves. were also this blue suede sneaker I had that I think  was by Converse but I can't be sure as it was a long time ago but they came in blue and brown and had tiny little air holes on both sides for ventilation and everyone  had a pair, boys and girls, from kids to the coolest teens, and I also had a pair of the blue suede Earth Shoes, a pair of brown and a pair of blue clogs that were suede and leather on top and wood on the bottom(blue suede ones and brown leather ones) that I also loved and I loved the fashionable tan leather ankle height Cougar winter boot too with the warm red lining that was all the rage when I was 12, and in grade 6 was also when I really started to notice clothes and be aware of fashion and what was "cool" and stylish and I started to choose my own clothes( as opposed to having my mother choose and buy them) and I remember wearing the fashionable Levi's denim jacket and the Roadrunner jeans of the day, too, but out of all of them it always seems to be the shoes that stand out most and that I most remember. It's always about the shoes.

This morning as I took Buddy for his early morning walk the new neighbours were sitting out on their back porch again and I could smell weed (yeah!) and I had a Stoner Moment  yesterday myself,too; I was trying to think I couldn't think and I wondered Why isn't my brain working and then I remembered, Oh, yeah! I just smoked weed, heh, heh!  and I noticed as well that this  year MY sunflowers are even bigger  than the neighbour's ( every other year theirs had always grown much taller) twice as big, so Suck it, neighbours that live at the white house across the street but I noticed as well insects have been chewing parts of some leaves too so I'll have to go get some insecticide powder of something to sprinkle on the leaves before they do too much/more damage. Buddy also got into chicken bones that some moron left in a bag on the floor for garbage( so he could easily access, instead of putting it away up high where he can't reach) and he was eating them so if he has any more bleeding over the next few days(either from his mouth or ass) at least I'll know why...

This  also showed up on the Weather Network  on my computer yesterday so that's what we have to look "forward" to today and it's already so humid out there you can't even go outside as the air is just so "thick" I can hardly even breathe (The air you wear) and I heard the perfect description of Country music,too: Redneck whining, Proud Boys, MAGA, and regret at the 'wrong' side not winning the American Civil War. That about says it all and I just laughed my ass off, and I'm going to be in trouble too as yesterday I also ate all of the chocolate( and just the chocolate) out of the Neopolitan ice-cream,but that's the only flavour that I like, and now they said they're trying to vaccinate kids under 12 next,too,and I don't know what parents, in good conscience, would let  their kids be human Guinea Pigs  and actually allow this, esp. with all the bad side-effects that are now coming out(eg. cardiomyopathy); it's just NOT worth it, esp. when kids generally just have mild  COVID, anyway, and Italy won the EuroCup soccer VS England and even though I couldn't care less about soccer(or any sports!) I have both Italian and British relatives( among others; I am a European Mutt) so some of them will be happy and others will be sulking.

I also went to Wal-Mart yesterday and there was this guy there who had a Pit-Bull  he was trying to pass off as a "Service Dog" (and it was muzzled) really? A Pit-Bull? A service dog?  but he was this big muscular, mean-looking mercenary-type guy and the dog was fierce-looking too so nobody dare said anything or questioned him, and I was in this huge line just waiting to get to a cash; 12-15 people ahead of me and I was worried I was taking so long and my hubby would be mad and yell at me for taking so long and making him wait but as it turned out it was him that made me wait and he took soooo long I had to really go pee( and they had their bathroom closed!) and I was really hungry and thirsty too and felt like I was going to pass out but luckily I'd stopped off at their McDonald's and picked up a Big Mac I planned to eat at home but I ate right there, sitting on the curb waiting for him, and I also bought some banana yogurt drinks too so I was able to have a drink! He tried this thing where you order stuff online and they shop for you and deliver it to your car....so he shows up at the appointed time, some 5 HRS after he put the order in.....and it still wasn't done; they somehow "forgot" the order(along with 15 others,too) so it took forever,so it's faster to just go in and do it yourself, and I was honestly getting worried and then I really started to panic; what if he just left? Maybe he just got tired of waiting for me and went back home and just left me there stranded?Anxiety can really wreck havoc on your brain!

You are not depressed. Your spirit and soul is just tired.


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