Monday, August 2, 2021

10 Weeks.

Today my sunflowers are 10 weeks old(I think, they might be 11 weeks, I'm not quite sure but I think 10 weeks) and look at how tall they are! Now they're even taller than both the 26 YR old and I! They have also outgrown the shelter I put them under to shield them suring storms from the heavy rain, wind and hail so now they're just on their own out there at the mercy of Mother Nature but now they're also much bigger and stronger and better able to weather the storms,too. I also saw on the news last night this couple in Toronto actually got fined over 600$ for feeding squirrels ( just like my mother does every day!) if you can believe it! What a Fascist country we live in; everything is banned and we get fined for everything; even being kind is a criminal offence now! Seriously though, what the actual f*ck? The neighbours next-door also got 3 hanging plants they have on their veranda but they all died so I guess nobody told them that they're supposed to water them, and we're having a BBQ today for the Civic holiday(and my hubby's off) and my friend's son who was in the coma is still really sick and is being sedated so he can heal, and cuddling Buddy this morning I could feel a distinct hard round what felt like a big hard rubber ball in his abdomen as well that was the size of a large grapefruit.
It must be a tumour.
and my heart just sank.

My friend M in Brazil's oldest daughter( she also has a 4 YR old!) who is 30, a doctor and has a 5 YR son from a previous relationship also just got married, and it was 3 day celebration at a grand ballroom at a swanky hotel and the food was so fancy,too,, and you can see my friend here in the photo and her daughter and her son-in-law in the background, and they both got their dresses custom-made by a designer,  and my friend even caught the bouquet! The guy she married must be rich,too, because just look at the rings(shown below)!!! My friend just lives this amazing rich fascinating  jet-set glamourous life she doesn't even have to work but she just lives off $$$$ her father gives her!That, and she's pretty,too! Some people have all  the luck! 😘

Yesterday my hubby also finally got around to fixing my computer as ever since I got my "new" computer( actually the 14 YR old's old one but new for me) I haven't been able to add new songs to my iPod so he was checking it out and at first he was able to fix it so I could finally add new songs.....but then it turned out that only the 3 new ones I'd added were on there....and all the others were gone.....all 2000 of them and I was freaking out! Do you know how long and how much work it took me to get over 2000 songs? and now they were instantly all gone? I even specifically told him no matter what you do, DON'T delete them and I'd rather not have any more new ones than to lose the ones I already have and no matter what just don't delete the ones I already have.....and then......oh f*ck....but luckily he was able to fix it; they were all still there luckily, just "hidden" somehow, thank God; I don't understand any of it I'm just releieved to have my songs back( even though he dismissed it as You didn't pay for it anyway and just illegally downloaded it  but that's besides  the point; I'd be devastated to lose all my songs and I'd never get them all back again and how could I ever remember all 2000 of them, plus I put alot of time and work into it)As it turned out Apple had done some updates and it wasn't compatible with my computer or something-or-other. Whatever. I don't care as long as I have my music back.

Be happy but never satisfied.- Bruce Lee


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