Saturday, August 28, 2021

"B" Is For Best Friend.

Yesterday was so nice, finally no humidity so Buddy and I got to be back outside all day (YES!!!!!!) and so I took a couple of photos and I'm sorry the quality is so bad and so foggy but my computer is a piece-of-shit(and no better than my old one, just in a different way) as it only allows me to load one  photo at a time and then I have to keep unplugging and then re-plugging in my iPod again to load each photo( a royal pain-in-the-ass) whereas before I just plugged it in the once and I could load as many as I needed at the one time, and it only load part-way and by the time it would normally come into clear focus it disappears and says it's not available and then you have to go and do the entire process all over again, unplug the device and plug it back in and start the process again and the photo only loads so far, to a foggy fuzzy image and you have to Lightshot it right then at just the exact right moment before it disappears off the screen and if you wait too long,or wait for it to come into complete focus, it's gone. In the second photo it was funny,too, he was barking at me to hurry up telling me he had to shit and to take him for a walk, which I did,and he did. I've also been putting antibiotic cream on the sores on his feet and they've almost healed up now but I noticed it looks like a burn on top of one of his feet now,too, but I don't know how he'd get that unless the 14 YR old burned him with a lighter or something but I wouldn't put it "past" him as he is "disturbed."Yesterday I hardly had much laundry in the load,either, much less than usual so I suspect that there must be a bunch of towels somewhere, either so they're likely laying on the hallway floor upstairs or on someone's bedroom floor. I also had a hairy yellow caterpillar crawling on my leg yesterday,too!

I have this cut on my right middle finger as well that was either from a sliver, paper cut or prickle and now it looks all red and infected(not my middle finger! That's my favourite one!) so I put the antibiotic cream on it that I use on Buddy's face and paws, and for my soft skin I put coconut oil on when I come out of the bath and Johnson's Cotton Touch newborn lotion as even though I'm ugly I can still have nice, soft,good-smelling skin(and a nice tan in the summer,too so I'm not ghastly pale like an undead corpse like I am in the winter) do the best with what you've got, right? I also went into the kitchen last night to get a snack and the 26 YR old was cooking an octopus  in a pot on the stove and it looked and smelled sooo gross and how come I can remember that Michael Nader(who just died at age 76) played Dexter on Dynasty  back in the 80's but I can't remember what I had for lunch or why I just came into the room, and Paul Stanley of KISS has COVID despite being double-vaxxed,too, and on the news those that have had  the vaccine( the Mark Of The Beast) are sicker and get COVID more  than those of us that haven't been vaxxed, so something is obviously very wrong here, and the Premier after saying no to vaccine passports has now been forced to by the PM,plunging us even more into a totalitarian Police State and I feel badly for the Afghan refugees,too, fleeing one oppressive regime only to come to another, they come here thinking  they're "free"but are forced to wear masks and get vaccines, merely trading one tyranny for another.

This is not the end of the world , it's the end of the illusion-Daniel Scoland


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