Friday, August 27, 2021


Today is the first day in 2 weeks I'll finally be able to go sit outside(and be in the sun!)as it's just going up to 27 C and no humidity for once! There's even a nice brezze,too! It's just been too hot and I really missed being outside and feel so trapped indoors but with the humidity it's felt like between 40C and 42C and I can't even breathe  out there the air is so "thick!"  I also got some sunflowers; I went to the store and there they were, despite always asking my hubby to look when he goes weekly and he always says they never have any( which I knew wasn't true as they've always had them before and it's sunflower season now) and then he also says he doesn't know where the flowers are, etc....yet when I went there they were, lots of them, and the flowers were right there, right at the entrance, as soon as you walk right into the store, you can't miss them, so my guess is he doesn't even bother looking or else he sees them and just walks right past them. Maybe that's also why he kept trying to dis-suede me from going to that store,too,and was trying to convince me to go to another one instead; he didn't want me to know  they were really actually there  all along and see them and find them? Looking at sunflowers makes me happy,too, as they're just so cheerful-looking, and it's one of my small pleasures in life, and the other day I asked him to pick me up a mango as well when he was out and he brings home this utterly rotten one,too, with black squishy bruises and several bug-eaten holes in it and then he excuses it was the only one there.....yeah....I wonder why? How about because it was rotten and gross and no one else wanted to buy it? He's also off all next week,too, so I hope he makes himself "scarce" and doesn't get in my way.

I also got a 3 day ban on Facebook again this time for saying white supremacists are white trash, which they are; it's just the truth, and they said it was "hate speech" and violated their standards, so they care more about hurting racists' feelings than about free speech? WTF? Seriously? The 26 YR old also got banned on an online chess site for telling an opponent to Suck my dick and balls! and a Liberal MP got in trouble as well for addressing the Taliban as Our Brothers and I think that's an insult to the Taliban( ha,ha) and for the upcoming election I'll actually be happy as long as anyone other  than the Liberals wins and we have to get rid of that prick Trudeau, and yesterday a gob of chocolate icing fell on my chair and I didn't know and I sat on it and it got on the back of my shorts and it looked like I shit my pants and all my pants are loose as well so I don't know if I've lost weight( when you're this fat you can't tell by just looking) or if the elastic in the waistbands just finally gave up the fight...

Yesterday I was also listening to Stairway To Heaven  one of my all-time fave. songs( and my family knows this) on the Google Home Device and my hubby and the 14 YR old just interrupt it to ask it the weather and I told them to at least wait until the song is finished first( and it was almost over) but they were rude and inconsiderate and didn't, and I kept turning it back on, "defending" my song, making them madder and they kept interrupting itm making me  madder, and back-and-forth it went but I held my ground and didn't let them get "away" with being  so disrespectful and rude, and I could die and my family wouldn't even care and neither would I. I also got a notice in the mail I'm due for another mammogram again,too, but I just had one 2 years ago and it felt like my titties were being squished in a tight vice and it hurt and felt like they were going to explode so I think I'll pass, and yesterday Buddy's jaw had popped out, and I had to fix it and push it back in, and jellyfish make me think of Rastas as well wearing their dreadlocks and Tams, and I tried to order my 2022 calendars online yesterday too but they didn't have the Bob Marley one in(or at least not yet) so I'll have to keep chacking back and I just hope that they haven't discontinued making it....maybe it was just an indication to me that I'll die before  next year though and I'm not to waste my $$$$ on calendars I won't need?

One life for yourself and one for your dreams.


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