Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Here is the 26 YR old sporting his COVID hair. It's all wild crazy and spiky, like a Mad Scientist like Einstein or Doc in Back To The Future.I also think it looks sort of like a Whiteman's Afro.The funny thing is too that he doesn't even have to blow-dry or gel it up to get it all standing up like that; he just comes out of the shower and towel dries it and that's just how it looks; it's just his natural hair when it grows out long!He has this nice thick hair and when it's long it goes all wild like that and grows out in all different directions. The salon he normally goes to has something like 145 people on the waiting list following the lockdown and I found another place in a nearby town advertising on the radio so I assume they have openings and I mentioned it to him but he doesn't seem interested so I guess he's either keeping his caveman hair or waiting until a spot opens up. I was also dismayed, shocked, horrified and disappointed when I found out from my hubby that all of the kids that no longer live at home( so that would be everyone except for the 26 YR old and the 14 YR old!) got their vaccine, the Mark Of The Beast, coerced into it because they want to be able to go out and do things, despite the risk of blood clots, cardiomyopathy, death,etc. not to mention the consequences of being marked for Satan  and I can't believe they were stupid  enough to do that, to risk it, to fall for it, to drink the "Kool-Aid", to give in to and believe the propaganda and indoctrination, to be blind mindless sheeple and to so easily go along with the crowd like that, it really disappoints me and I won't have to worry about having any grandchildren at least( unless the other 2 have kids) as they'll likely all end up sterile now...and possibly even dead within 5 years...SMH, I really  thought they were smarter than that....The only time I've been more disappointed in them is when they turned away from God.

I'm also saddened to hear that Charlie Watts died( he was the same age as my mother is,too) and of all of the Rolling Stones  he was also the only one who actually dressed his age, like an old man, and today it's really foggy out and smells like horsehit outside as well, one of the worst things about living out in the country, and I'm going to the store later today to pick up a few things and I always have to "prepare" myself mentally and "psyche" myself up ahead of time beforehand too, to be able to handle going out with all the people with my social phobia. The 26 YR old also said that when kids turn out bad it's due to bad parenting but it's not always; sometimes the kid 's just bad, perhaps due to bad influence friends, they're been lost to the world,or inborn temperment or  just psycho, like my mother's cousins; typical conservative Catholic Italian family; 6-7 kids and of the 3 boys one of them ended up being a priest, another a cop,and another a rapist; all the same parents,the same upbringing; sometimes kids just end up bad.You can't always blame the parents.

I'm also starting to see leaves coloured and falling down off trees already,too, despite it feeling like 40C every day for the past 2 weeks and school does go back in 2 weeks and it's almost September but it still feels like summer with the heatwave, and now the wart on Buddy's back has turned black  and it's soooo gross but I love him, warts and all, literally, and they said before that once we reached "herd immunity" at 70-75% all the lockdowns and other restrictive measures could be lifted, incl. social distancing, masks, etc. but now we've reached it, even surpassed it, with most of the sheeple vaccinated, now they've changed their minds and "upped" the numbers and keep raising the "bar" higher and now  they say 90% of people have to be vaccinated.....they're never satisifed and the more you comply the more restrictions increase and they keep requiring more....I suspect as well after the 20 Sept. election they'll use the Delta "variant" (that I think they either just made up or it's side-effects from the vaccine) as an excuse to put us under another lockdown once'll see... and my hubby snarked to me now the FDA has approved the Pfizer vaccine, "what's my problem now?" but just because it got approval it doesn't mean shit; remember Thalidomide? They used to think that  was "safe" too and look at all the horrendous, horrific mass birth-defects that caused....

"As you can see now, the best bioweapon there is, is fear." - Stefan Lanka -


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