Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Ich Bin Ein Untermensch.

Now the "Underground" chatter is that "Isolation Centres" (AKA Internment Camps) are being built by the gov't to separate, isolate and segregate segments of the population, whether it be those with COVID, or more likely, the unvaccinated, now the modern-day lepers and outcasts in society, like sending dissidents off to the "re-education" camps or the gulag, or people the Nazis deemed "less-than" human to Concentration Camps, and eerily similar to what this country already did do sending Japanese-Canadians off to Internment Camps( after seizing all their property and assets!) during WWII. What shocks and surprises me isn't as much that the gov't has become so tyrannical and totalitarian as much, but how easily people have just accepted it and allowed the lockdowns, restrictions, curfews,mandates, their freedoms so easily taken away,and segregation, exclusion,division,etc. among themselves, and even forced medical procedures(vaccines) upon themselves and others, and "Show me your papers!"( vaccine passports) etc. without any fight, and my hubby said vaccine passports aren't anything "new" and I told him, Yeah, the Gestapo required papers to be shown in Nazi Germany,too! I refuse to live under tyranny and oppression though and due to forbidding non-vaxxed from going anywhere or doing anything or travelling I'll have to stay in my house forever and I'll die first  before I'd ever  take the Mark Of The Beast!! No free democracy requires citizens to show ID or any other kinds of "papers" in order to be able to move about in their own country; you should be able to travel freely unharrassed, and no one should be permitted entry or services based on any sort of "status".

 Remember that's how persecution of Jews started  in Nazi Germany? First the "No Jews" signs started popping up; they were not welcome in shops or busineeses and then no one would hire Jews and then they  had to wear the yellow star to visibly identify them publically and neighbours were encouraged to  inform on them and their location to the authorities as if they were outlaws, and then they started going from house to house and rounding them up and arresting them and sent them off to to the gas chambers. It's a process, it starts slowly  and develops over time, so people adjust and don't really "see" what's happening right in front of their very eyes and the same thing  is happening now. That's how tyranny, oppression and division works. Now we're at the stage where fear-mongering has "conditioned" society into being meek fearful obedient Sheeple  that obey and conform and look up to the Nanny State thinking they know what's "best" for them as they in actuality lead them off to slaughter, taking away their rights and freedoms convincing them it's "for their safety", and dividing society into vax VS non-vax and treating the one group inferior and taking away their rights encouraging the other group to join in and to see nothing wrong with it, no different than how the Nazis "conditioned" German society to not see anything wrong with singling-out and targeting Jews.

Chocolate cheesecake always makes everything better as well, and my mother also asked my hubby to pick up a brisket for Sunday dinner but he had no idea what a brisket even was and for someone so smart sometimes he can be really stupid  and he thinks that I'm  the dumb one, and he ate fish the other day,too,and it stunk up the entire house and made me feel feel sick, and I reminded him that he always complains about how gross my weed stinks but that I'm NOT the only  one with "stinky" stuff( he also complains my spicy ethnic food "stink",too) and that his stinky stuff( incl. when he puts vinegar on his fries and it reeks like stinky feet!) grosses me out,too, and I have this new Sativa strain called Apple Pie too but it doesn't taste or smell like apple though, just like weed! My hubby was also watching Dr. Chess on the computer and it reminded me of Dr.Kush in Jamaica, only he sold ganja on the beach and he even wore a white lab coat for effect, and today doing laundry the orange towel( one of my faves ones!) all of a sudden showed up, after missing for weeks(I really missed it!) so maybe it was away on summer vacation, and when I got up during the night to pee I could hear the mice rustling around in the bathroom garbage can,and the other day my mother poured out a box of cereal she had taken from the kitchen cupboard into her bowl and mice turds came out; no cereal, the mice had eaten it all, just the mice turds! Ewwwww! That's just soooo gross!!

Yesterday poor Buddy was really limping badly and could hardly walk and didn't even want to do for his walk and just quickly peed outside and came right back in and for the past few days my back pain is really bad,the worst it's ever been, a good 7-8 on the pain scale (so bad I bite my bottom lip)and it feels like my spine is going to snap in half or like an elephant is standing on it or something, plus also really bad abdomenal and stomach pain,too,and pain in my liver and right kidney and I wish I would just hurry up and die  already so I wouldn't always be in so much pain every day, and my mother's notorious for NOT putting things back after she uses it ( eg. TV remote, pens, etc.) and I told her, How hard is it to return something after you use it? It's the first thing they teach you in Kindergarten; if you use something, put it back. and then she tells me that she never went to Kindergarten; just straight to grade 1, and I blurted out(it just came out)...and it shows! and she goes, sarcastically, You're so "nice" to people! but I'm just blunt (that's the way God rolled me); I just say it the way it is, it's part of my autism, I guess.

I also had this dream I was back with one of my grade 8 bullies again and she was up to her usual and  I told her I was going to the Principal and she sneered, You never learn, do you? and I told her, .....and I'm also going to the police,too,and it's actually you that never learns; you can't go around bullying people and hurting people like that! We also had this big storm but luckily my sunflowers are ok, they weathered the storm; they're survivors like I am, and sitting outside in the sun reminds me of when I was 19, and I sat out on my front porch in the sun, long hair down to my waist, my black Chihuahua Yuri  by my side, reading Chekhov, and how it really doesn't seem that long ago, almost like yesterday, but it was 35 YRS ago and now my second-youngest is 18... and I can still remember too when I was a kid being scared to go down to my grandparent's basement as their furnace rumbled and shook  and made loud scary noises like some fire demon. I also heard there's this Jewish blessing they pray every time they see a rainbow in the sky, as a reminder of the covenant God has with Noah and I like that, and my mother watches this British series too and I remarked British people are  so ugly!  and she said That's part of your heritage! (I'm a mixed-breed European "mutt") so that would explain alot....

Hot Girl summer is over. the old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.- MJ Kejera


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