Monday, August 23, 2021

The Purple Dog.

I can still remember when I was in Kindergarten and I made my dog sculpture with clay and I painted it purple(my fave. colour, and it still is) and my teacher almost had a fit and scolded how it was 'wrong" and I can't paint it purple because dogs aren't purple... and it crushed my little imagination and creative heart and I remember how I always  used to draw, paint and colour all my dogs either purple or half purple and half orange simply because I loved dogs and those were the 2 colours I loved. In my 5 YR old mind what was the problem; draw and create what you love,right? But that's NOT what Public School is all about; they don't encourage, foster, allow, or teach creativity, imagination, independent thought, individuality, or alternative thinking; it's all about conformity, being Another Brick In The Wall just like that awesome Pink Floyd  song( which they'd never let us play in school BTW) you have to fit in, you have to be just like everyone else, you can't have your own mind or deviate outside the norm and it continued on thru as I can remember even in grade 11 art class an assignment we had to 'copy" a work of art from an artist(I can't even remember who it was) and we had to replicate the painting and me, being the creative artsy-fartsy sort of type took about 10% of what the actual assignment/painting was and 90% added my own creative artistic "flair" to it, making sort of an abstract version of it and the art teacher was absolutely horrified  and she gave me an awful grade, something in the 60's, because I didn't follow the assignment and it didn't look like all the others which all looked the exact same...but then in grade 12 I switched schools and actually got a cool art teacher, one who actually knew and appreciated what art really is and he liked my individual artistic creations(other than my reject chess set which blew up in the kiln and ended up shit-less) and I ended up with a final grade of 95 % in that class. Just be YOU. The rest of the world will adjust.

Great news! My friend's son is coming home today after 6 weeks in the hospital! He still has the chest tubes to drain fluid from his lungs but he's finally home! It's a true miracle considering he was on life-support and a testimony too that God does answer prayers! My friend J( from grade 8) brother died of cancer as well( she's one of 5 or 6 siblings) and I remember her saying when she was younger her younger brother was killed  when he was 4-5 years old by a neighbourhood bully who purposely pushed him in front of a car and he was run over and it totally destroyed their family after that; with the grief her mother just completely broke and her father started drinking and the rest of the family just fell apart. That's just so sad. For the past few days my back, abdomen and stomach hurt really bad,too and my stomach feels like when you wear pants with really tight elastic waistband and the pants are 10 sizes too small and I don't know if it's maybe my stomach ulcer acting-up again or maybe my liver, which is also in the same area, but the pain is sooo bad now I feel sweaty,sick and faint with it and it's bad enough to go to the hospital but I'm NOT going to sit in the ER for 6 HRS only to have them do nothing and just say something stupid like it's constipation or something.My spine feels like it's going to snap in half and sometimes the pain gets so bad I just want to scream.

When my hubby was in Toronto yesterday I also had him check for this cute sad-looking little plush hippo from Hallmark I was going to name Mark O' Potamus (from HallMARK, get it?) but he couldn't find it, so yet another thing probably only available in USA and we don't get here( in this shithole we hardly get anything; this place really sucks!) and the 22 YR old is in Vancouver now and I wonder if she'll  end up staying too like 3 of her sisters did and it seems like it's a mysterious place that our girls go to and never return from...The neighbours also were watering their sunflowers but they only watered the flowers and the leaves and NOT the roots  where you're supposed to, yet even so theirs are still better than mine and normal-looking, unlike my deformed ones, and there's this autistic guy in our neighbourhood too who walks around talking out loud to himself and I'm the only one that doesn't think that's really that weird, and I can be autistic and bipolar and have panic-attacks, meltdowns, hallucinations, depression, etc. and my dog doesn't care and he loves me anyway, just the way I am, and I love him more than anything and anyone and he gets more life,love,and emotion out of me than anyone.Yesterday he was ravenous  as well and ate everything in sight( even crap off the carpet!) after not eating anything the day before and as I was walking him this old guy pulled up along us in his van and poked his head out the window and laughed and yelled out to me about my big, scary dog.(he's a Miniature Dachshund)... and I told him, His name's 'Killer'...and people are all so blind and indoctrinated too they think that all the increased and unusual natural disasters such as heatwaves, wildfires, floods, earthquakes, etc. are Global Warming  and Climate Change when really it's the Last Days and End Times prophecised in the Book Of Revelation  and it means we should be repenting and turning back to God!!

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. – Albert Einstein


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