Sunday, August 1, 2021

Things I'm Craving Right Now.

Things I'm Craving Right Now:
Spumoni  ice cream( pictured here) it's been decades  since I've had this since no one in this Bumble-f*ck hick-ass town even knows  what it is or has even heard of it so I guess I have to go back to the big city to find it but it's this amazingly good Italian ice cream and it has chocolate, pistachio, cherries, and a bunch of other fruits and nuts in it and it's just sooooo delish. It's just soooo good and it's been so long since I've had it I've just really been craving it alot lately.

Charmed Aroma mango bath bomb those are the best bath bombs I've ever had and they're just sooo creamy and exotic and the scent permeates all thru the room  and the colours are so vibrant it colours your bath water so brightly and it's just soooo luxurious but the thing is they're soooo expensive( due to the fact that they also come with a ring inside so you also get jewellery with it,too) like 30$ each so that's the draw-back.If I was a millionare I'd have one of these in my bath every day.

To have my brains f*cked out. it's been since I got prego with our youngest( and he's now 14) since my hubby last "porked" me and I want it so badly I want to get nailed so bad; the kind where your back arches, your toes curl, and your eyes roll back and you can practically see the inside of the back of your head and you have shivers all thru your entire body.

A good book. I want to read a really good book and immerse myself far off into another world for awhile and just escape .

Carribean. I miss it and I long to go back and be in my Happy Place  on the beach under a palm tree, and suntanning on the beach and swimming in the ocean. I heard that the Dominican Republic( a place my friend J and my Babushka's nephew have both been to dozens of times) is allowing  non-vaccinated tourists so now all I need is the $$$$.

Live music concert. Due to the lockdowns etc. I haven't been to a live music concert in forever and I really miss it. I can't wait to go back.

Claw-foot bathtub. Just like the one I had at our old house in Toronto. I loved it and you can get the water all the way up to your neck. I've always missed having one and always wanted to get another one like the one we had then.

As well, I was wondering why certain people like myself and my friend L have more than our fair share of hardship, trauma, misfortune, etc. and the answer came to me that God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers, and I was thinking it would be cool to change my name to Sunflower ("Sunny") Moonchild as that would be the most hippie name ever, and yesterday the 26 YR old went to a BBQ with his jiu-jitsu crew and he said it was really hard to socialize for so long too and he had to "prepare" for it days in advance and it really drained him and the thing is I know exactly what he means; he must have social phobia like I do and it's just too people-y out thereand it's exhausting and it takes alot out of you and I needed help with my iPod as well as I was trying to listen to Flashback on the radio and my wifi went out and I was outside so I asked my hubby to help but he was busy (like he always is)and blew me off and said later  and raged at me and tried to grab my device and throw it across the room even though the radio show was on then  and couldn't wait (and it would only take him a few seconds,anyway)and I didn't want to miss it but he only ever thinks about his schedule and what's convenient for him  and bever consideres other people (esp. me) and they have schedules and things they need to do,too; it's always about him and if you assert your own needs he gets all snotty and storms off sulking and raging and acts like a little kid.

God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.


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