Saturday, September 11, 2021


It's hard to believe it's been 20 years already since the terrorist attacks on USA since referred to as 9/11 as it was carried out on the 11th of September, that is the 11th day of the 9th month so the name is sort of deceiving in a way as it looks like with 9/11 that it's the ninth day of the eleventh month by the way they did the dats and it confuses me, esp. as I've always done my dates the other way, the European way, with the day first followed by the month, which makes more sense, so today, for example, I'd write as 11/ 9/2021. I can't believe it's been 20 years though and also that no one has done any more attacks since, esp. since USA still continues to meddle in other countries' affairs, being Imperialist war-mongers and the bully of the world. What "gets" me too is how they still go on about it even 20 years later, as if they were "untouchable" and can't believe that they were the target of an attack, even though it happens in other countries all the time,some on a daily basis(Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, etc.) and no one even thinks anything about it and it hardly even gets any media coverage, but for some reason they seem to think that they're 'special" and "above" all that, even though they're  the ones responsible for the most and the worst atrocities in the world against other countries yet then when they fight back  they wonder why. It's also one of those historic events where you can remember exactly where you were and what you doing when you first heard the news,too, just like the Challenger explosion(for that I was in the kitchen making hundreds of hand-made pirogi I had rolled out all over the counter): I was getting the now 20 year old(who was then just a baby) ready for her well-baby doctor's visit and the TV was on and I just happened to walk past it and I heard about the first plane hitting the first tower and I told my mother that a plane hit a tower in NYC and I was intrigued so I lingered behind to watch.....and then I saw as the second plane hit and then I knew that it wasn't an accident (the first one I thought it was) no way....not was horrible, and all those people killed. Every year on the anniversary my hubby and the 26 YR old joke about it and wish eachother a Happy 9/11! I think is tasteless, insensitive and crass( and there are just some things that you don't "joke" about) but they've never been known for their taste. I just pray for the victims, survivors, their families and all those involved; those that will always remember and will never forget.

This morning it's sooo cold  out as well it's just 9 C when I took Buddy out for his walk at 7 am I could even see my breath and I had to wear a jacket but it's supposed to be getting up to 25 C later and I notice too every time I swat at a wasp or fly with the fly swatter or even just pick it up he'll crouch and cower in fear and run away, as if he's scared I'm going to hit him with it even though I never have and I've never hit him at all with anything, so I'm thinking his first owner must have hit him with the fly swatter and he's scared of it, my poor boy, and he was already 8 years old when I got him and I'm so grateful we've had these past 7 years as I was afraid I'd only get a few years with him and it's been longer than I could have hoped for and having him is the best thing to ever happen to me and the only thing I regret is not having him sooner  to love longer, and every time I don't know something my hubby also sneers that I'm ignorant and Don't you know anything even though I also  know things that he doesn't  too, he just always likes to put me down, embarrass me, make me feel like I'm nothing, and I'm sick of it and he always thinks he's so much smarter and "better" and "above" everyone else,too when really he's just an arrogant asshole.

I feel like I'm trapped in a box with its lid on too tight.


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