Monday, September 20, 2021

Booger King.

The other night my hubby went to Burger King (AKA Booger King) for 2 chicken sandwiches( the only good thing they have is the chicken; all their other stuff is gross) and it took forever and the line-up was sooo long and it was a good thing he checked his order before he left too because it was the wrong order( like it often is for us with our bad luck which is why we've learned to always check before we leave) it was a dozen or so assorted other burgers so he told them and they said to just keep it otherwise it would just get thrown out so he did and he eventually got the right order so now we also had all this extra free food too but it's gross so the only ones that would even eat it were my mother and the 26 YR old. I did try one of them that I thought looked like it might  have been chicken as it was white but it was really flat, hard, dry,and tasted like sawdust so I have no idea what it really was but it was so gross and it had a gross-tasting sauce too that made my stomach hurt. I even offered some to my dog who refused and keep in mind that this is a dog that licks his ass so that must mean that even ass tastes better and to tell you the truth the thing I had was so gross I think I'd rather lick his ass too than eat that ever again,too! Ewwww! I never did find out what it was though; maybe some gross meatless vegan crap or something?

I also noticed the new millionaire neighbours who recently moved here from Toronto had the same Chef's Plate boxes put out for their recyclying that we ordered the 14 YR old's meals from so if it's good enough for millionairs it must mean that we have good taste,too, and my hubby went to a garage sale yesterday(I call a garbage sale) I never see any point to as why would you purposely buy someone else's crap and junk when you have enough of your own crap and junk, my back, stomach,and abdomenal pain is so bad as well I just want to scream; to emit a low, bellowing fuuuuccck at the top of my lungs, and my Facebook  friend( that originally said she never wanted kids and is now prego) originally said she had twins  too but sadly lost one and she herself is a triplet,too, and I put this natural herbal salve rub on the back of my neck too for pain and it kept attracting the damn wasps when I was sitting outside,too, and now it's that time of year where it feels cool like fall in the morning ( 8C) and warm like summer(25C) in the afternoon.

Much to my surprise one of the last wee, tiny, mini baby sunflower buds did  make it and survive and bloom afterall, and it's so small it fits in the palm of my hand, it did bloom, it just didn't grow  any bigger, and the others are all dying now so I asked my hubby yesterday while he went to the store to get chicken for my mother( she asks him to go out and get something he goes right out but whenever I do there's always some excuse) I asked him to check for sunflowers,too, as it was the same store they have them and of course he came back without them, saying, Oh, I never heard you... ass.... she also sent him out to get her more Gravol (for nausea) claiming we ran out and never had any even though we still do in the medicine chest; she just meant her own personal supply ran out, so out he rushes out on her command, her obedient little toady...and later on he went to McDonald's  too and picked up something for her and the 14 YR old but didn't bring back anything for me...I swear I think he purposely does things just to annoy me. Today is voting day too and it worries me he'll be "too busy" to take the time to drive me to the polling station too. he can be such an asshole...

I also heard on the news the police arrested a woman running naked  down the street (probably a meth-head) and that's NOT something that you see every day, and my mother said that she "lives her life thru other people" too which I found kind of sad, and she said as well that she drinks 500 ml bottle of ginger ale every day , even with her diabetes and she's NOT even supposed  to have all that sugar and if she has any pop at all it should be diet and then she asks me how much I have and I told her first of all I'm not diabetic and the pop I drink is sugar and caffiene free anyway and my hubby was shocked too and said he thought it was only one a week which we thought was bad enough so he's just going to have to stop buying  it for her; it's the only way,and she whines she's thirsty and has to drink something  and it helps her nausea and I told her how about coffee and tea and ginger-root tea and peppermint tea are good for nausea,too.You can even get natural Gravol  with ginger,too. I swear, she's such a stubborn old goat! My God!! I notice as well my lymph nodes behind both elbows are swollen and I have this new "divet" or indentation on my right cheek too so I probably have some sort of cancer or something which would certainly explain all my symptoms incl. my extreme fatigue incl. need to nap every day.Maybe it's lymphoma or bone cancer?

What if dreams aren't dreams? They're actually memories of things that will happen?


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Today's Thought.