Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Dye Goodness.

I have now picked my final and last sunflowers from our garden and yesterday after I voted I went to the store and got these: sunflowers dyed orange on the petals and purple on the stems which also turned the water this bright brilliant beautiful purple-pink colour it was almost magical. My guess is they sprayed the yellow petals with a red dye and the red on yellow made it orange. Normally I don't like it when they "modify" sunflowers like that; I prefer them natural but these just looked so gorgeous and so fall-like I love them and made an exception. I picked them up myself as even though my hubby was going to the same store the same day I didn't trust him to get them; he always has some excuse as to why he never picks them up for me. As for voting day yesterday it was good and I was in and out in mere minutes; only one guy was leaving as I went in and one woman coming in as I was going out, not like in Toronto where they had long lines blocks long and they had to wait hours! The 14 YR old also scoffed at me, You're wearing that about my tie-dye shirt and green track pants and I told him so what; I'm just going out to vote, not to a fancy restaurant or anything so I'm not going to get all dressed-up in a skirt or anything, and so far asshole Trudeau is right back where he started with a minority gov't but all the votes still aren't in yet; they still have to count all the mail-in votes which could still take a few days so I'm still holding out hope; if the majority of them come back Conservative (like our area and all surrounding areas were) it could swing it the other way and he could still lose.....never give up hope....it's not over yet.....and my hubby keeps rubbing it in I'm "in denial" but I'm still hoping and praying for a miracle and the results aren't final yet.....

Yesterday poor Buddy also got stung by a damn wasp on his front paw and it hurt so much he can't even use it and he limps around on 3 legs now and it was so freaky,too: I swatted the wasp mid-air with the fly swatter and it fell down, landing right on him,  and he quickly jumped out of the way and yelped; it had stung him on the paw! I felt sooo bad; the whole idea of swatting it so was it wouldn't bother us, and last night I had a leg cramp so bad my leg just gave out  and I had to quickly grab onto the nearest chair (which also just happened to be my spot at the kitchen table)and sit down to prevent me from falling down onto the floor and of course my mother's walker was in the way( like it always is, usually blocking doorways) so I had to push it out of the way and sit down and she rips into me and was still bawling me out even when I explained and then she said her most-used saying sighing, Well, I won't be here forever..... and then added, ...and maybe then you'll wish that you treated me better! and I was incredulous, Are you kidding me? She's the one that always rags on me and never supports me and nothing I do is ever good enough and everything I do is wrong and her and my hubby always gang-up on me and I never have any support to which she snorts I'm just paranoid and the reason  they stick together and never back me up is because I'm always wrong.and my hubby's still enabling her by buying her ginger ale too even though with diabetes she's not supposed to have sugar but he doesn't have the "balls" to ever stand up to her and he got smaller cans instead of the bigger bottles but that won't make any difference though; she'll just have the 14 YR old bring her 2 cans  a day to drink instead of the 1 500 ml bottle!

I also saw somewhere someone said that most white people have at least 1 racist grandparent and that does seem to be true and in my case anyway I had 2; Dedushka and I would always fight over his racism and he would say things like A Jap is a Jap  infuritaing me esp. since 95% of my friends in highschool were Asian  and Babushka would often go on and on and scowl about All those 'dirty' Jamaicans in Toronto....if only she knew that I'M "Jamaican" deep in my spirit and soul, ha, ha, and a friend in the UK and I were arguing as well who has the worst PM,too,and he says Boris Johnson wins hands-down but I say no way; corrupt and scandal-plagued Trudeau is far worse and then I suggested maybe we could "trade" and if only I had the $$$$ I'd be on the first plane out  of this shit hole, even worse now with Fascist mandates and tyrannical vaccine requirements, with the threats of being fired, denied services and most likely even fined, jailed, internmed, or god-knows-what, if you refuse. I want to get as far away as I can.

"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." George Orwell, 1984


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