It's not far now, just creeping around the corner. You can feel it, esp. in the mornings when it's brisk, crisp and cool and you need to wear your jacket. There is a "nippiness" and a chill in the air, a briskness, and some leaves are even starting to change colour now and fall. The long days of summer are now slowly turning into the shorter days of fall and now the sun sets at 7;30 pm(it used to be 9 pm) and rises at 6:45 am (it used to be before 6 am.) Fall is coming. As much as I love summer I do like fall though, the pretty colours of the leaves and the crispness of the air, not to mention everything pumpkin spice flavour and 2 of my fave. people were born in October as well but the only thing I don't like about it is Satan's Day (Hallowe'en). I still remember too at the old house when the kids were younger every fall my hubby and I would take them in a wagon ride around the neighbourhood collecting leaves on our annual Leaf Walk and later on once we got back home I'd sort thru the bags of leaves they'd collected and pick out the prettiest ones( mainly the brilliant oranges and reds but with a few yellows, browns and burgundies for contrast) and make a fall wreath I'd hang on the outside front door. I cherish fond memories like that and wonder if any of the kids even still remember it. Taking Buddy for his am walk this morning I'd forgotten schools were back too until I saw a school bus go by and a bunch of teens walking by carrying backpacks.Now the weather is starting to get cooler I'm also starting to grow my hair out a bit longer as well.
This is also a song that I can totally relate to, that just resonates with my soul:
One, two, three, four
Do you have any memories? Hahahaha
Do you have any memories? Hahahaha
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