Saturday, September 18, 2021


We got a dozen of the Tim Hortons Smile  cookies as 100% of the proceeds go to local charity and God loves the charitable and we love cookies!Next Wednesday McDonald's is also donating proceeds to charity too so guess where we're going next week? I also heard this radio ad for life insurance and they said to Call Big Lou  and it sounded sketchy to me, sort of like call Eddie The Enforcer to get a loan, I had a cool dream about a magnificent gigantic sunflower tree; it was huge like a Maple tree only it had hundreds of sunflower blooms on it, and after I hit the bong I could hear the universe buzzing and humming as well, and I saw a school bus go by yesterday with all the kids wearing masks and they all looked so downcast and it was just so sad-looking and they're all so silenced, so uniform, like little robot clones and you can't see their smiles, their faces or expressions, their laughs, it's like they're almost faceless , their identities, individuality and voices silenced and the province-wide vaccine passport come into effect soon too and I hope businesses will just not comply and will simply look the other way and just NOT ask, refusing to divide and discriminate among customers, and they can't possibly fine, jail and fire everyone , and if everyone gets together collectively what can they really do?  My family laughs at me now too I'm a "crazy conspiricy theorist" etc. but I wonder how they'll feel later once they finally realize that I was actually right about it all along?

Every time I look at Buddy I think to myself How did I ever get so lucky? and as long as I have him I have everything but without him I have nothing, and I'm so grateful too out of all of the people in our family that he chose me to be his special favourite person,(esp. when no one else ever has!) and I got to see the world like I wanted, I have the best dog in the world to love me and heal my heart and I got to walk thru a sunflower field and fulfill a dream and that's how I know that God loves me.Someone also defaced, squashed and uprooted the same neighbour's election sign again yet there are other neighbours close-by that have the exact same election signs on their lawns no one's ever damaged so maybe it's a personal thing, and it smelled strongly of weed outside yesterday too only at that time it wasn't me and my mother goes, You been smoking weed again? and I told her, I'm NOT the only one that smokes weed, you know!  and it's so funny,too, the 14 YR old wouldn't say shit  even if he had a mouthful and his f*ck  is frick ; he won't swear at all but the other boys all curse like sailors , and I was looking into renting a private jet to Jamaica too to bypass COVID regulations(I know someone who did exactly this to go to Florida for vacation with her family) except it cost even more than I have in my bank account so nevermind.being poor now really sucks. My iPod is so bad now too it's even over-heating and often feels hot now too but I'm hesitant to buy a new one and spend the $$$ (or to buy 2022 calendars,too) in case I die soon and then I've gone and spent all that $$$ on something I won't even get much use out of and I heard the new iPhone starts at 1500$ too and whoever is stupid enough to pay that just for a phone has more money than brains!!(and they're just doing it to show off)

Those that stand for nothing fall for everything.-Alexander Hamilton


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