Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sunflower Day.

Yesterday was a really, really, really good day( which is rare for me!) the best day I've had in a long, long  time(I can't even remember) it was my Sunflower Day . I was able  to cut off 3 more flowers from my own sunflower garden( now 16 weeks old) and the tallest one( seen here) over 9 feet tall gave me a flower as well and I've sort of "bonded" with them, identifying them as the Tallest One, The Runt, The One With 3 Buds, The One That Casts A Shadow On The Roof, etc. as I monitor each one's progress and growth and I now have 6 more buds that should survive to open and 4 more small ones that will likely die before they can mature.

So now I'm just over-flowing with sunflowers; I now have 3 vases of them in my house and it's just wonderful! One can never have too "many" sunflowers you know,and yesterday as the sun was setting I also got to fulfill a dream and an item on my Bucket List as well: I got to walk thru a nearby sunflower field not too far from where I live,and I got alot of amazing photos and even a video too to remember this day. It was the most amazing thing ever and brought me so much joy it was just undescribable. I also often have dreams that I'm free and flying  above massive fields of endless sunflowers,too, as far as you can see and this came pretty close and it was just pure happiness and bliss like I haven't felt in as long as I can remember I wanted to stay there forever. It was just pure magical. It's true too that the best things in life really are free. My hubby said to take some while we were there,too, that it was "just a wild field" but I doubt it; there were thousands of them there; there's no way that that many would just randomly grow wild; I'm sure it must belong to somebody and I'm NOT going to steal someone's sunflowers!

and then to top the already-great day off last night when the 26 YR old came home after work he brought me a bouquet of sunflowers,too, shown here, a nice, wonderful surprise that just made my day(and it means even more coming from him,too, because he's always been one of my faves.) and it just completed a perfect day and I told my mother it was such a great day that if I died I would die happy and she said it can't get any better than that and I replied the only way it could  get any better would be if my knight in shining armour came riding on his white horse bearing chocolate and weed and swept me off my feet and carried me off to his castle far, far away. I rarely ever have good days, and esp. incredible ones like today, and for that I am esp. thankful and grateful and consider it a gift from God and today is a day I will never forget and it will be one of those days I will look back on as one of the Best Days Of My Life.

The 14 YR old also jeered to me that I Definitely WON'T make it to Heaven and I told him that it's NOT up to us  to judge but only up to God, and the 26 YR old said I'm a "nerd" too because I love reading but I am NOT a "nerd"(and I find that insulting) because nerds DON'T have tattoos, shaved heads,pierced noses, smoke weed, or listen to Reggae!Plus, I suck at math and I hate math, physics, chemistry, calculus, etc. don't watch Anime or play video games and I've never owned a pocket protector in my life. I think my iPod  is dying as well as now the battery only lasts 2 hours between charges(it used to last 4 hours) and I've had it between 2-4 years(I can't remember exactly but I know for sure I had it when I went to Jamaica 2 years ago and I might have had it in Cuba 4 years ago) and I noticed as well Buddy's fur has all grown back now on his chest and underbelly where it had all fallen out and went bald earlier so I wonder what it was? Someone also said the People's Party Of Canada is racist too that they don't support immigration and I hope that's NOT true and I'm NOT racist myself; I'm voting for them because they're the only ones that defend freedom and are against vaccine mandates and passports and for me right now that is the most important and pressing election issue.How can democracy and freedom be defended and upheld if tyranny isn't voted out?

Anything that is only half true is also half a lie.


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