Monday, September 27, 2021

The Cake.

Let me tell you, honestly, there is nothing  quite like pumpkin mousse cake! NOTHING!!! This thing is just soooo delish it literally melts in your mouth; the creamy mousse and the spongy moist cake; oh, my God, it's just sooo good it made my toes curl!I was in Heaven! It was even worth having to take my lactose enzyme pill for(for the cream) and I was even tempted to tell the others that it's so gross, so awful, you really don't want to even try it!  so I'd be able to eat it all myself( I know, what a pig, right? ha,ha) it's just amazing ,and it's sort of funny too when you think about it how in some ways my mother is so cheap; she won't pay more than 10$ for a watch but thinks nothing of spending 22$ on a cake for Sunday dessert; she spends lots  of $$$ on food without a second-thought yet she pinches pennies until they scream with everything else. I also posted this photo on my Facebook  page too and someone said they've never tried pumpkin mousse cake before and asked how it tasted and I replied(with a GIF) Heavenly!

My mother also got an odd burst of energy yesterday as well( usually she just lays around in her bed all day) and she cleaned the lower cupboard in the kitchen with all the pots and pans; the one where the door keeps opening up and all the pots and pans always keeps falling out onto the floor. Yeah, that one.She said she was tired of that always happening and how it always got in her way and blocked her walker so she cleaned it up so now the door stays closed but basically what she did is just throw most of them out! 🤣 I was also head-banging yesterday to Quiet Riot  like back in the Old Days in the 80's and then got this bad headache( probably have an aneurysm or something with my "luck") so even though I can still party like a rock star I can no longer recover like one.

This is also my sunflowers now, I cut them down small so they're just stalks, now the last flowers have bloomed and the plants were dying anyway with yellow-ing dry stems and they were so big and tall( some over 9 feet!) they were always getting in the way and they're in too deep to pull up the roots so this is the best I could do. I joke that they're Mackie's Sunflowers  too( an inside joke) and anyone that knows the history of Mackie and I would get it.I also have this sharp searing pain tear thru the middle of my chest and back yesterday as well that must have been gas but what the hell did I eat, and today I still feel the odd sharp twinge shoot thru,too(ugh!) and I was so tired I almost fell asleep in the bathtub this morning as well and thought if I drowned that the last sound I'd hear as I was dying would be the running toilet but at least I'd die like Ophelia, and 2 things I've always found tacky, sleazy, cheap, and trashy are black lace and leopard print, and I'll never forget that time either when I told the 26 YR old that nice girls don't  do BJ's; only whores and gays do and my mother interjected, Not all gay guys suck penises, you know!  and everyone just cracked up, and it also got me thinking,too: how come the plural of penis isn't peni, like octopi, and why is the plural of ox "oxen" but the plural of "fox" isn't foxen?English is such a confusing weird language! 

It also stinks like cat piss in the bathroom my hubby always uses too after he's been in there(and it didn't used to) so there's something in his pee that indicates a health issue, likely diabetes or bladder or kidney infection so I told him he should look into it, that smell is unmistakable, and I can still(and will always; it has a strong impact on you for your entire life) remember how I was always considered( and called) the Weird Kid growing up too, but I could never figure out why or what exactly I did  that made  me so weird ; I always knew  that I was different than everyone else yet at the same time never exactly sure how to pinpoint why or how exactly, just that I was; that I never fit in and was always excluded and on the outside looking in and that I always was(and felt) out of place and it was as if they were all in some sort of "Secret Club" or something that I wasn't a member of and wasn't allowed in and that they all had this "Secret Manual" of a sort where they knew exactly what to say and do and how to act all the time that was always just right  but I never had and then once I was finally diagnosed with Aspergers in my late 40's it all finally made sense; why I was different and thought differently and did things differently, and processed things differently; I was different, and it was like all the pieces of a puzzle were finally all coming together and it suddenly all made sense! That's  why it was always so hard for me to make friends, to socialzie, to talk to people,why I preferred to be alone and study on my own than in a group, why I'm awkward, withdrawn and keep to myself, don't follow social norms,always been riddled with anxiety, etc. I also found that the Catholic Church I never found the friendship, fellowship, sense of communion and community that I had when I was with the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Mormons either; I talked to a couple of people but that was it; I never really felt like it was "family" but with the others it did, except for when you leave the JW; their friendship is conditional on being part of the group and once you leave they shun you( so it's not a true friendship afterall) and both the JW and LDS Love-Bomb  new recruits as well but at least I'm still friends with old LDS friends to this day, 18 years later.

I'll stand right here before the Lord of song With nothing, nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah.-Leonard Cohen


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