Friday, September 24, 2021

The Calendar.

I am having a hard time finding a Bob Marley calendar for 2022. The usual place I get it from( the calendar place) doesn't have it, and so I went online to check and someplace in the UK has it but they don't ship outside of the UK and somewhere else had it but charged 67$ for shipping! Holy shit! We always get over-charged and ripped-off for shipping! I'm going to have to keep looking but I hope that it's not unavailable here though. I hate this shithole more and more all the time.Hopefully as we get later into the year they get more stock and it'll show up, or maybe in the shopping malls eventually, like in the record stores, or if worse comes to worse maybe I can just have a friend in the UK pick it up for me and mail it to me? My lucky hubby also got a SmartWatch  for only 28$ too! it's normally worth hundreds$$$$ but he went to a store that had them on sale for 28$ a deep discount clear-out sale only they were all sold out so he went to another store that price-matched and they had one left so he showed them the ad and it was so hard to believe that they had 4 people verify it; managers and supervisors and such and finally they deemed it legit and gave him the deal! Can you believe it? He's one lucky bastard! He always has been and he always wins stuff too but I'm the exact opposite; I have the worst  luck ever!

I am also now a second-class citizen and can no longer travel, eat in a restaurant, attend a concert, a play, go to a movie, etc. or participate in any active lifestyle anymore due to the vaccine passport requirements now and the 26 YR old's jiu-jitsu shut down due to it as well so now they just train at eachother's homes like they did secretly "underground" during the lockdown and to avoid it many restaurants now have just simply closed their in-dining and have only take-out and some places openly defy it( good for them! STICK IT TO THE MAN!!) and have signs displayed welcoming everyone, discriminating against no one, and if they don't comply(and if customers have fake passports) they get fined 10K or even jail  time and bylaw officers even go undercover too posing as customers to "catch" businessness not complying and if they catch them NOT asking for proof they fine them! Sounds like the Gestapo to me! What a police state! Now every time my hubby goes out with one of the kids too and I ask where they're going he says to get the Mark Of The Beast  too which is sooo NOT "funny", and it grosses me out and disturbs me as well my mother puts ketchup on pretty well everything too and I'm like France: I think ketchup is only for kids and for fries.

I want to go so far away I can't get back.- The Trews.


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