Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Studio.

Well, I hope now that the 18 YR old doesn't decide to come back from Vancouver because the 26 YR old has now transformed her bedroom into a jiu-jitsu studio, seen here. He dismantled her bed and cleared away all her stuff so if she came back she has no more bedroom or bed! I think it's hilariously funny too how he taped up the stuffed toys along the pointy sharp parts of the window too to cushion it, so they won't get injured(such as whack their heads) it cracks me up!(The one tied to the shelf looks like a hostage!) Yesterday he also had a friend come over to train with to test it out and it passed. Neither of them are getting the Mark Of The Beast  and the Fascist gov't is demanding all businesses such as gyms require proof of vax so until this blows over they just train privately now in eachother's home, sort of like an underground Fight Club.They're also trying now to force mandatory vax on kids  as young as 5 soon,too, and it's bad enough to force adults  but once they start coming after our kids then it's really  going to be war, but a revolution is probably what we need though; for the masses to revolt and stand up to the tyrannical authorities and reject their mandates and take back our freedom! I'm even beginning to think that maybe the Americans had it right  with their Second Ammendment afterall and can now see why it might be needed. I hate it too how the vaccinated are so self-righteous, arrogant, holier-than-thou, proud, condescending, hostile assholes that look down on the unvaccinated,too, like they're somehow "better", "superior" and "above" them, like how vegans do to those that eat meat and thin people do to fat folks..

I also finally gave in and ordered a new iPod too, even though I kept stalling, hesitant to spend the $$$ and with tax it was close to 300$ (which really hurt) but I needed one as the old one is dying; overheating and feels hot to the touch( not a good sign I'm sure) and the sides are opening up and expanding and you can even peek inside and see a bit(also not normal; my last one did that too; maybe from the heat?) and I can't upload songs anymore and it messes up my photos,too and the battery only lasts 2 hours... and my music and photos are such a big part of my life...I got this one seen here, in pink. My ideal would be rose gold but they never had any. My very first one was blue and my current one is gold. I also had them inscribe LIVE FREE OR DIE. on it as engraving is free, as is shipping, which is good as we usually get over-charged for shipping for everything. It's supposed to arrive next week.Buddy also loves pumpkin spice as much as I do; we're soul-mates in so many ways,  and he also likes to romp around and roll around in ragweed which aggravates my allergies when I cuddle him (and it makes him  sneeze,too!) and yesterday I saw a chipmunk almost the whole way up a big maple tree and I was surprised; I didn't think they went up that far but maybe that's where the best seeds were so it literally went out on a limb to get the best stuff, and we literally only have 1 black walnut fruit left on our tree,too; the squirrels picked it clean and ate everything else as well as all of our mulberries,too.My abdomenal pain is so bad as well I use the heating pad but now my belly is all red and burned.I always weigh too is it "worth" waiting 6 HRS or more in the ER for or not and always end up deciding against it so I just live with chronic daily pain.

You know I don't much like life I don't mind admitting that it ain't right.-Sinead O'Conner


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