Friday, October 22, 2021

Ketchup Post.

Catching Up:

- 3 nights now no more bleeding for Buddy but he's still not "himself" as he hardly eats much and hasn't palyed with his toys in days and just sleeps all day so I went to the store and got him a new squeaky toy as when you don't feel well a little treat always picks you up and makes you feel better and it did; he was just so happy wagging his tail and playing with it. He's lost weight too from not eating much and I don't have much of an appetite either so maybe we're both being poisoned or something? A fly also keeps bothering us too so maybe we're both dying? At least he did have a good last couple of days though and I'm grateful for that.

- My hubby says he doesn't believe the Illuminati is even real  and doubts that all the world gov'ts would work together on a population control agenda or that people would be so stupid to fall for a fake vaccine that's really something more sinister and thinks the mandates are just going to be temporary, etc. even though that's exactly  what's happening; he's just in denial and for someone that's always bragging arrogantly how smart  he is he's pretty gullible!

- Last night I was out on the front veranda smoking weed( because it was raining and it has a roof for shelter, unlike the back porch where I usually go that has no roof) and the 27 YR old's friend came over and saw me sitting there, an old lady toking up,and he looked shocked and surprised.HA!

- My new iPod updated itself and locked me out! It said my password and security question answers it required to log back in were wrong  even though I know my own first pet and the street I grew up on more than YOU do Apple, you asshole, but it kept rejecting it and then it asked for a cell phone number to send  a verification code and of course I don't even have a cell phone so I had to use my hubby's but it still never worked and I'm still locked out so I just gave up and ended up just listening to my music on the computer! FUCK!!

-I heard on the news 8 churches in Manitoba were shut down by the Fascist authorities for "violating COVID mandates".Sounds just like in Nazi Germany shutting down places of worship and punishing those that don't comply and when they took it to court in violation of Charter rights it was denied saying the gov't can over-rule  the Charter and citizens' rights and freedom in an "emergency" situation, incl. a so-called "pandemic", so basically they can just create any situation and call it an "emergency" and all our rights are gone.

- For the most part I generally don't like pretty people because they're usually mean...and bullies.

- The other day in the morning the 14 YR old screamed at me, "Go kill yourself!" and then in the afternoon I was practically coughing up a lung and he goes Don't die! How contradictory.Make up your mind already!

- The 14 YR old also called the Bolognese sauce on the pasta Boloney sauce.

- There was this dumb ad saying pregnant people instead of pregnant women which is just utterly ridiculous since it's only women who can be pregnant! Why are people so stupid and that Political Correctness crap has gone waaaay too far. people also nowadays use various pronouns to describe themselves and for a joke I now refer to myself as it.

- When I woke up this morning I noticed I have this big itchy bug bite on my leg so I think it must be a spider bite and I have seen spiders in the bathroom, so...yet now scratching it something just popped and there's blood all over and now all of a sudden all these raised red bumpy things like scabs are appearing and the pink area is growing bigger.WTF?

It's better to have it and to not need it than to need it and not have it.


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