Friday, October 8, 2021


My new pink iPod  came yesterday ( I named it MyPod; My+iPod=MyPod....get it?)It came by UPS  and I was listening for the doorbell all day and kept the door open waiting for it(I have been tracking the shipment and it said it was due to arrive yesterday) and the f*ckers never even did  ring the bell but just left  it there in the mailbox, sticking up visible out of the mailbox, so Porch Pirates could have easily seen it and swiped it but luckily I saw it there in time! How can they just leave something so expensive like that though? WTF? They knew we were home too because the car was in the driveway and the door was open! I had them engrave Live free or die  on it as well and my hubby scoffed he knew it would be something' cringe-worthy'  and I told him it's better than some stupid nerd ,Anime or Super Hero quote that he'd have put on! Of course I have no idea how to install the apps I need( which is only like 5 or so as I basically just use it for my music and to take photos) or to transfer my music from my old one onto the new one so the 14 YR old did it for me(I even had trouble figuring out how to remove the thing from the case! Duh!)  and it really didn't even take him that long either which surprised me; I expected some big long complicated process and I paid him for his work and he made some remark about how "cheap" but I don't have much $$$$ and from my end it was actually quite generous. So far I'm just listening to my music but I haven't tried taking or uploading any photos yet  or adding new songs so I'll let you know how that goes later or if there's still an issue with this computer.

My pharmacist Facebook  friend's(who lives in the Southern USA)husband also died  of a heart-attack the other day; first she'd posted he was in the ER......and then the next morning the next thing I'd heard is that he'd died 12 HRS before. It's so sad. He did have heart issues but still, even so, They were married for 24 YRS and it was a happy marriage( my mother said probably because they didn't have any kids) and she really loved him.It's just so sad and I feel so badly for her and I just can't stop thinking about her ever since.Also on one (of 3) of my TV shows this week ( The Resident)  they killed off a main character,too; she was in a car crash, and the real reason was the actress in real life just had a baby so at least she left for a good reason though; not over a contract dispute wanting more $$$$ or because she got a better offer elsewhere; she's putting family before career. This is just too much death for one week though and it's hitting me hard. I know it's just a TV show but I feel things too deeply. I hope that I have done some good in my life,too, that I made a difference, that it wasn't a waste and all for nothing; I hope that I have touched someone's life, made someone laugh, made someone smile, given someone hope, encouragement, inspiration, etc. done some good somehow for someone. There's also only one thing in my life that I would keep the same and not change: having Buddy, but other than that if I could do it all over again I wouldn't  be ugly, have Asperger's and bipolar, be bullied, rejected, excluded, hated, in a family that treats me like an unwanted burden, and I'd be happy and find love and acceptance.

One of the neighbours also took down the canopy in his backyard yesterday and another drained her pool water lower preparing for winter but I'm still not giving up and I was still out there getting a suntan and all this week it's been in the 20 C's(today going up to 23 C) and for the next 2 weeks supposed to be as well so I'm still enjoying the nice warm summer temps( and in Edmonton and Vancouver it's only around 11C!)  and I thought I smelled skunk outside too but it was just the neighbours next-door smoking inferior cheap-ass reggie! We also have just one sad and lonely black walnut left on one of our trees too after the squirrels ate all the others and I feel so sad for it and that's how I always feel in life too so I can empathize with it; that's me; the only one left; the last one left; the one never picked, left behind, the one no one wants, waiting to be chosen, hanging out there all alone on the branch waiting for someone to come alone and pick me....I hope it gets chosen.

You are being conditioned to view your freedom as selfish.-Daniel Scoland


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