Saturday, October 2, 2021

Pumpkin Spice.

I went to the store in search for a pumpkin cheesecake which I never did find( but we ordered 2 pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving next weekend from a friend's bakery)  but I did  find a pumpkin cream cake, pumpkin spice muffins and nutrition bars. I was hoping for a pumpkin spice scented candle as well but I couldn't find any. Also: pumpkin is the only flavour of pie that I even like but I absolutely love love love love  it and I could honestly eat an entire pie myself. It reminds me of one of the first lies my mother ever told me,too( along with the Santa Claus myth and I felt so deceived when I found out and that it was a conspiricy and huge lie that all adults were in on and it was at that moment I knew that adults couldn't be trusted and didn't always tell you the truth afterall): she gave me a piece of my cousin's pie which looked like pumpkin pie only a darker orange and I was hesitant at the slight colour difference but my mother reassured me to eat it saying it was pumpkin, so I ate it and it tasted "funny" and I spat it out and she then later revealed it was actually sweet potato pie! What the actual f*ck? Why not just say so? As for my pumpkin stash, the muffins are gross and have no flavour, sort of like cardboard but it is a brand I've never heard of, I guess just some cheap knock-off Wal-Mart thing but I just saw the pumpkin  and got all excited and threw it in my buggy. They also announced over the speaker they had one vaccine left so if you want it go to the thanks. I'll pass.

Speaking of the Mark Of The Beast, many businesses are refusing to segregate people by vaccine status and when the Fascist authorities find out they aren't complying by the tryannical rules they have been fined, and in some cases even lost their liquor licenses or been shut down.Look out, here comes the Fourth Reich!! Yesterday and today my abdomenal pain is sooo bad as well it's off-the-chart and I also have bad cramps along with it too(and bad back but the abdomenal pain overshadows it)  and I keep shitting my ass off; at least 10 times yesterday,maybe even more(I lost count) despite taking Imodium so it must be something I ate, but what?  This has to be more  than just my IBS and divurticulitis and it keeps getting worse!Now my poor ass is all burning and sore as well and the pain is so bad it even kept waking me up during the night and I almost black-out and throw up and it really does make me wonder if I do have colon cancer (which does run in my family and I did have that polyp 4 YRS ago they removed,too, remember?)because now it's getting to a point where I can barely even handle the pain anymore and I have a high pain tolerance! I remember my mother saying as well the only sign her grandmother even had of her colon cancer was chronic diarrhrea.Several of her aunts and uncles died of it as well.

The ivy on our house and creeping along our fence is now also starting to turn a beautiful brilliant burgundy, and as I was out walking Buddy we accidently interrupted a drug deal yesterday as well and they paused, waiting impatiently for us to hurry up and leave so they could get back to it but he took forever to shit but he eventually finally did so we left and they could resume, and I wonder as well how come when I have a soothing epsom salt bath I don't get salt all over that dries like sand stuck everyone on me( even in my butt-crack) like I do after swimming in the ocean and they forecast the worst winter in 25 YRS (for both snow and cold!) this year as well and I hope I die before then as I don't want to endure another winter, and I could smell this strong smell on my mother's pillow as well that smelled like apple cider or fermenting grapes I wonder might be Ketone Breath diabetic get when their insulin gets all out-of-whack, putting them in danger of a diabetic coma, esp. since she cheats on her diet and only takes her blood sugar once a week when it should be daily and she doesn't take good care of her diabetes...I had her take it and sure enough it was high,too: 12...I also had my food on the counter preparing lunch and she just rudely shoves it out the way and puts hers on saying Your crap is in my way!  even though mine was there first  and she still had lots of room; she was just being a bitch.

Mandates should NOT trample liberty.


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