Monday, October 11, 2021


Today is our Thanksgiving and the best thing about it is the pumpkin pies from our friend's bakery! Yum!!! I'm also the most thankful for Buddy of course( he is my everything!) but also for good times ,good days and happy memories.This is also the first year we never had any company over, not even any of the out-of-town/province kids. This year it was just the 5 of us although it was really only actually 4 of us for the dinner(which we had yesterday) because the 26 YR old was working. My mother still bought enough food for an army though, as if all the kids were still living at home or we were having company, she got 6 turkeys and 2 hams, more than we need so guess what we'll be eating for the next 1-2 weeks? We brought out the fine china and had a big fancy dinner in the diningroom although my mother and I sat and ate separate from the others because they always act like neanderthals and ruin it by being inappropriate and throwing food, etc. which she warned them not to, saying we;ll never be eating in there with them again and my hubby replied that was sort of the point and later on when I was sitting outside he threw a dinner roll at me( usually it's at the table thru the space in-between the diningroom and kirchen) saying I don't want to mess with tradition! This is exactly why my mother and I eat together away from them. I'm glad I didn't die today too as I can just hear my mother  ranting, She had  to go and die today just to ruin everyone's Thanksgiving! I bet she did it on purpose,too!

Apparantly dark turkey meat and white meat smell differently as well as I gave both to my dog and he sniffed it and only picked out and ate the one he likes (the dark meat ;I'm the opposite, I like the white meat) and just left the white meat, and I'm worried about him too as for the past few days he's completely stopped eating his dog food and will only eat what we eat and for the past 2 days he's done diarrhrea  and barfed on my bedroom floor during the night(I have newspaper down there; I've learned!) with blood coming out his ass at the end of the shit, plus barfed too, and he's my whole world; I already "lost" the 18 YR old a few YRS ago( and it's really hard to lose someone who is still alive!!) which just gutted me; I can't lose him,too; he's all I have left! My abdomenal pain is back worse again too as well as diarrhrea so hopefully it's just the pizza we both ate( or maybe we're both being poisoned?) and as well as that yesterday I also had this bad headache, stabbing pain behind my right eye( usually it's my left eye) chills and later on in the day really sweaty too which usually indicates a fever although I didn't feel  hot, and the pain is worse after I shit,too, even though you'd think it would be better so maybe the shit presses on something providing relief and when it comes out the pressure is released causing pain?

This is also my friend A's(from Ottawa but he lives in Hamilton now) Thanksgiving turkey(doesn't it look sooooo good?) but that looks like bacon draped across it though and he's Jewish  and supposed to keep a kosher diet...and I can just imagine the fancy gourmet turkey, duck, or goose the oldest made in Edmonton, too, likely with some kind of apricot or cranberry glaze or something, and it's his birthday  this week,too; he turns 32 and I can't believe it; it really doesn't seem that long ago that I was just prego with him and tomorrow(the 12th), in fact, was his original due date! In just 2 days after the 26 YR old has a birthday,too! It was funny as well; the other day I was heading up to bed and I said I had to turn the light on so I don't trip going up the stairs and kill myself and my hubby goes, Did you just say that you're going upstairs to kill yourself? I'm surprised he even cared actually, but if you are  going to kill yourself you don't tell anyone because you don't want anyone to stop you! I also found out the other day that Hermes  was actually originally a Greek mythical pagan god and here all this time I just thought it was a fashion design house that made handbags, and yesterday I saw the most beautiful squirrel,too; it was supposed to be a very light grey but it looked almost white and it was so fluffy and just gorgeous and I noticed as well the last black walnut is finally gone from our tree,too, so either a squirrel finally picked it or it just gave up and let go in despair and loneliness and plummeted down to the ground to its death.

I also noticed I have this golfball-sized lump on my right ankle as well. At first I thought it was just my ankle swelling but then I noticed I didn't have it on the other side. It doesn't hurt or itch though so it's not an injury or an insect sting/bite and it feels a bit "squishy" but doesn't move around freely like a cyst. I wonder what it is? I'll ask the doctor when I see him early next month if it's still there.Whatever it is if it has to be surgically removed I just hope they don't also have to take off any of the hippo tattoo on the top of my foot though; that thing hurt like f*ck (my most painful one!) and cost me 200$!!  This morning I also "saw" the smiling face of the Crocodile Hunter (Steve Irwin) on my shower curtains and I laughed as I could just imagine him saying in his Australian accent, Crikey! Isn't that sheila a beauty? and I forgot yesterday was Saturday too and I checked for mail although when we lived in L.A. we actually did  get mail delivery on Saturdays but here it's just Mon-Fri, and I laugh still remembering as well in grade 12 I had written Russian on my book and my French teacher asked Is it Finnish?  and I thought she said Are you finished? and I said Yeah, I'm finished and she laughed and goes, No, the language! Is it Finnish?  and it's funny how I can still remember things like that but not why I came into a room or what I had for lunch!

I also want to see The Last Duel  but being unvaxxed I'm now banished from the cinema as well as most other normal aspects of life so I'll just have to illegally download it and watch it that way. There'a always a way; you just have to find it, and now what alot of us Plague Rats are doing too are taking our names off  the organ donar list in protest of not allowing unvaxxed(such as my cousin!) to get organs( they took him off the list for refusing the Mark Of The Beast!) since our bodies no longer "belong" to us anymore but to the State but knowing them they'll probably just pluck our organs from our still-warm dead bodies( like vultures) anyway, permission or not, and I guess My body, my choice  only applies to pregnant women who want to kill their babies (even though the baby's body is NOT their  body!!)but the rest of us are forced against our will to get vaccines or be fired and punished other ways if we don't comply but if all the healthcare workers, federal employess, firemen, cops, etc. all collectively refused together en masse to get vaxxed what can they really do? They can't fire everyone; society needs them! I've also learned in life to stop and just enjoy the present moment too before quickly rushing and hurrying off to the next thing, to just stay and linger awhile longer to enjoy the moment.

Anybody else getting tired of being right about everything while still being called crazy?- Duke James Thompson


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Pondering For Today.