Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Clock Tower.

I was listening to (I almost said "reading"; HA!) more of the 22 YR old's podcasts and she revealed how when she was a teen her and her group of friends would hang out at the old abandoned clock tower in town, even though it was technically tresspassing and the cops later caught on to and put a lock on as well as a silent alarm and one day caught a teen boy "breaking" in and that was the end of that. She also revealed how she'd sneak off with a boy  to the clock tower( likely her ex BF) which,of course, I never knew about before,and she wasn't even allowed  to start dating until she was 18 anyway(family rule) but when she was 17 I accidently found out anyway she was sneaking around and had a secret BF as his own father told  me by introducing himself as the father of the boy your daughter is dating ...and I was stunned, just completelty gob-smacked  and the look on my face, he knew at that point I had no idea she was dating and he apologized profusely, and I told him it wasn't his  fault; she knew she's NOT allowed to date until she's 18......mothers always find out the truth. Maybe not always right away but we always find out eventually. Just like how I didn't find out until years later that the oldest tossed off his younger brother from the roof in a garbage can Jack-Ass-style into the bushes below (now I know what caused the permanant dent in the bush!)when they were younger. I would have had a fit if I knew at the time!!! They would have been in so much trouble!  The 22 YR old also said she got her vaccine and was really  sick for days after the second shot; the sickest she's ever been and if it really is population control like I fear that means that I'll also only have 2 kids left alive (the 2 that didn't take the Mark Of The Beast) within the next 5 YRS. and that's just really really sad. She also revealed 3 of the kids now have tattoos as well and most mothers would be shocked, even horrified, but I think it's awesome and cool, but I'm not like most mothers. I'm not like most people.I've always been "ahead" of my time,too; I pierced my nose some 30 YRS before piercing were even trendy(I did it back in 1987 when I was 20) and Buzz-cut my hair before it was common, always funky and fasionable forging my own  creative style before it catches on everywhere else.

The other day someone also saw the 26 YR old in the store and asked him if he knows the oldest as they "look alike" and he laughed and said He's my oldest brother!  and my hubby told me he's dating a guy (he's not) too but with him you never know as he always makes stuff up, lies, psyches me out, sets me up, deceives me, etc. and then he wonders why I don't  believe him or trust him, and the 14 YR old's so defiant, oppositional, disrespectful, etc. to me he just ignores everything I tell him and won't do anything I say so I have to have my hubby tell him the exact same thing and only then he'll do it, I heard gunshots outside my bedroom window the other night as well, and I also saw a syringe  fell out of the neighbour's garbage next-door( not surprised they use IV drugs!) and the millionaire neighbours that moved from Toronto have empty cans of  Perrier water in their recycling,too, also not surprising(but what a contrast!) and the dentist wants my hubby to have a root canal as well as he has great insurance and never says "no" so they keep having him come back for all these procedures but he decided instead to just have them take the tooth out.

The other night I also felt a bug fly into my left ear and I could hear it buzzing around in there and hear the wings fluttering and it was so annoying and it maddening! It lasted for quite awhile too until it finally died I guess and I used tweezers and tried to get it out but I couldn't so I  layed on my right side and put hydrogen peroxide in there and it all fizzed,crackled, and bubbled up and cleaned the wax etc. out and I presume the bug along with it.I also want to change my name to something Bohemian and exotic like Cree Moonchild  and move as far away as possible and just start all over again just me and my dog, and now the Fascist gov't is forcing mandatory vaxx on all federal employees too even if they work from home and now even all domestic travel by plane and train,too, so we're now no longer even allowed to travel and move about freely in our own country as well as not being able to fly abroad, and Facebook  was down all day the other day too and I never even noticed as when I went on in the morning it was OK and then when I next went on in the evening it was back up so I never even knew except it was on the news, and today it's been a week for my ungodly abdomenal pain too so I guess it's not going to kill me; just a flare-up of something or just something I have to live with, and it's either a bit better now or else I'm just getting used  to a higher level of pain now and adapting and it's just becoming my new norm now,and my BP is low,too; yesterday 116/61 and today 111/68 and normally mine is around 132/90. I have high BP normallybut take meds for it as it had been 175/150!  I'm not peeing much either and the pain when I push with my fingers is around the belly-button (I don't know what that would be)but in general is all thru the entire adbomen and I must have lost weight too because my underwear fell down when I was walking Buddy(as my once buffallo-butt is now basically deflated flat) and was around my knees but luckily I was wearing pants so I felt it but no one else saw it and all my shorts and pants are so loose now they keep falling down,too! I welcome losing weight though! A bonus!!

Don't be a VICTIM. Be a SURVIVOR!


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