Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Thing.

This is the thing on my lower leg that I mentioned yesterday, at first started off looking like a spider bite the size of a quarter and really itchy and then less than an hour later I could feel something pop and blood poured out( incl. a clot) and then right before my very eyes this weird purple raised bumpy scabby rash thing started to appear and the pink part around it grew bigger, about the size of an egg but then it stayed that way and didn't grow any bigger. The itching settled for awhile but then every now and then would come back again but I couldn't scratch as then the scabs would break open and it would bleed again so it's very frustrating. I was checking into what it might be and if I didn't live here I would even wonder a venemous snake bite but ruled that out given where I live, and the rash looks like a purpura  and I might have found the answer: ITP: Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura  which is basically an auto-immune attack on your platelets( clotting factors in your blood) so you bleed more than you should, causing easy bruising, heavy periods(which I always had as well as in birth; I've always been a heavy bleeder) and these rashes that randomly appear, as well as other symptoms I have as well, incl. abdomenal pain, joint pain, fatigue, headaches, nausea, etc. and is usually caused by the H Pylori bacteria that causes stomach ulcers( which I also  had a few years ago,too) in the gut and Rheumatoid Arthritis (which I have as well) or other auto-immune disorders so it is possible....either that or I'm being poisoned which also destroys platelets...I know at least it's not an infection like Staph, E-Coli, Strep, Meningitis, Flesh-Eating Disease, Sepsis,etc. because I don't have a fever; in fact, it's the opposite; I always feel cold and I'm always shivering trying to keep warm, and this morning it's literally freezing  out,too; it's 0 C and I even had to put Buddy's wool sweater on him when he went out for his early morning walk! 

It's also Fan Expo  this weekend in Toronto and my hubby's had tickets for months and even made his costume but ended up having to sell his tickets because now you have to be vaccinated( have the Mark Of The Beast) to be allowed entry which isn't fair or right,and I got locked out of my e-mail yesterday too and it rejected my password even though I know it was right because I even wrote it down(so I wouldn't forget it) but it ended up accepting my old password, and my calendars came yesterday as well and I got ripped-off! They aren't wall calendars as advertised; they don't even have holes in them to hang up on the wall and they're really small,too, the size of books, and NOT big wall calendars like they're supposed to be and they were advertised as wall calendars, NOT as mini calendars and it's also made from this cheap paper too and not the usual glossy and I got ripped-off and I'm just soooo mad! The 27 YR old taunts I didn't read the measurements and that I'm just like my mother, never reading the labels  but it wouldn't have helped anyway because I don't understand measurements anyway and it did say WALL  calendar so it should have been  the standard WALL  calendar size (and not a MINI calendar and it should have been advertized as a mini) and it should have holes in it to hang it up! and I did  check to make sure it did say wall calendar instead of mini, pocket, desk, etc. calendar. I got cheated so I'm returning them for a refund. I no longer "settle", put up with crap, put up with less,allow myself to be taken advantage of, etc. and I will NOT let anyone rip me off!

I have always been a restless dreamer.


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