Monday, November 22, 2021


Yesterday I began my colon prep for my upcoming colonoscopy on Wednesday to cleanse my colon by taking 2 laxative pills and it was a volcanic eruption! I shit it must have been a dozen times( I lost count!) and I wasn't even able to nap because I had to keep shitting and the piercing cramps were so painful I felt like I was going to throw up and I was in sheer agony  I wasn't able to sleep and this lasted all day and I was just miserable! This isn't even the worst of it though; the worst is the day before(which is tomorrow) when I have to take the powder laxative twice and mix it with water and choke it down and that one is even worse and is like a Roto-Rooter for my plumbing and I remember last time I was squirting out blood. It was just brutal  and the pain was soooo bad. I can only have liquids tomorrow too so I'm going to be starving and I was planning on having my yogurt drinks and chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast(just take my lactose pills) to fill me up more but then I re-read the instructions and it said NO DAIRY
That figures.
I'm going to be sooo hungry, shitting myself raw, and be in awful pain( and I can't even take an Immodium either like I normally would for the bad cramps and diarrhrea because that's the whole idea; they want you to shit out your "log-jam" and get it all cleaned out). Tomorrow is going to be one really awful, terrible, horrible,really bad  shitty day....literally.

Buddy is feeling better now, thank God as the other day he was listless and just laying around floppy and hardly ate, and he and I both enjoyed some ganache,and each day I try to find happiness and enjoy the Little Things in life,too, such as a good meal, watching a TV show I like, listening to good music, getting flowers, sitting outside, reading a good book, having a nice relaxing soothing bath, savouring a good toke, looking at the pretty Christmas tree, incense, candles, essential oils, fine art,etc. and my hubby doesn't like my new tree either as he says it's just pretty and not 'fun' and it should be tacky  but after decades of doing it the way he and the kids always wanted it now I finally have the tree the way I've always wanted it; my Dream Tree, flocked and decorated in Victorian 1800's style, classy and elegant, and in a way it's sort of "symbolic" of my new life now I'm starting a New Chapter in life now being defined as a wife and mother are over, and he taunted me as well saying I saw the tree you really want at Lowe's; it was 7-8 feet tall ,fluffy,and pre-lit! and on sale from 400$ down to 150$!  but I like  the tree I have  and I'm happy with it just the way it is,  and the outdoor Christmas lights are on now too and he added a new tacky gaudy one that's neon/digital and it looks like it belongs in a bordello, on the Vegas Strip or in a strip club or something and he's the King of Tackiness and hopefully someone will come along and steal it (like they did with that tacky thing he had on the old van's antenna before) and he likes those gauche inflatables too and I don't even like the hippo ones; as much as I love hippos, inflatables are still tacky and I still do  have standards.

I also picked up 4 Christmas themed candles( I enjoy the Scandinavian tradition of Hygge  in winter,too; of snuggling up cozy under a blanket on the couch peaceful and relaxed with candles glowing, cuddling with my dog, reading a book, snug warm inside warm from the winter cold)that are pine, candy cane, cinnamon spice and snowball scented(I don't know exactly how a snowball is supposed to smell water?)and I'm already done all my Christmas shopping now,too; I picked up the last gift yesterday and I saw 2 girls as well that looked like and reminded me of the 18 and 20 YR old and it surprisingly made me miss  them,too, as mean as they are to me, and I saw in McDonald's as well a sign saying dine-in you have to produce a gov't ID and vaccine passport too( Show me your papers!) and Hitler would have been so proud and the 14 YR old threw out his Happy Meal toy ( Because it wasn't the blue one) so I picked it out and rescued it and kept it, feeling "sorry" for it and not wanting it to feel rejected like I've always felt in life(I'm an Empath like that) and when I told my hubby many Canadians are fleeing the tyranny here for Mexico he said Canadians don't do well in Mexico ( alluding to kidnappings, although I've been there 3 times and never had any issues) and I replied, Well, they're not doing so well here,either! and now they say over 700 COVID cases 4th day in a row and I don't believe it; how can it be that high when some 85% of sheeple  had the vaccine, so that means either it doesn't work, they're inflating the numbers( likely to try and justify another upcoming lockdown) or it's side-effects from  the vaccine, but either way something's NOT right and doesn't add up....

My hubby also asked me Have you seen a mouse around? and I told him, Yeah, I just saw one in the kitchen today but he meant a computer mouse( ha,ha!) but I just figured some people shove gerbils  up their ass so I'm not going to say anything and everyone has their "kink", right, and he and the 27 YR old are also going to this place in Toronto that makes  custom made, custom-measured and custom-ordered action figures of YOU,too, which I think is kind of vain, the 27 YR old made up a funny new word: Poopdingle, and I cut my hair and needed powder to get rid of the itchy little hairs that always stick but we ran out so in a "pinch" I was going to use my Vagisil(because it's still a powder,right?) but I'd ran out of that,too( doesn't it just figure?) and I saw Simon Fraser University  the short form is SFU  and that cracked me up: SFU: shut the f*ck up and I wonder why explorers like Columbus thought that they "discovered" America and the "New World" when there were already people ( the Natives) living  there, and the RCMP also arrested Indigenous protesters and journalists protesting gov't work on Native land without their permission and they even seized the journalists' videos too, more proof yet again what a totalitarian regime this gov't really has  become and how censored the media has become and that we don't even have the right to freely protest the injustices and oppression done to us anymore now,either. Now does that sound like a democratic and "free" society to YOU?

The best thing I could do for them is just simply removing myself from the equation.


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