Friday, November 5, 2021

Fun Facts About Moi.


- I was born a preemie, 6 weeks early.

- I have 3 half-siblings from my father but I've only met 2 of them one time, at my father's funeral.

- I speak 4 languages.

When I was in grade 2 I almost bit my tongue off in a figure skating accident.I still have the big scar on my tongue.

- I have always been hyper-flexible and can bend my thumb all the way down to my wrist for example. I think I must have some connective tissue disorder.

-I can turn my eyelids inside-out. As a kid it used to impress the boys but creep out the girls.

- I always dream in colour(I have been told this is apparantly unusual)

- In Jr.High I read a book and the author had the same first and last name as my hubby did decades later.

- I have been to 37 countries.

- I have Asperger's(which is a form of autism) bipolar ,social phobia, and have struggled with depression since I was 13.

- As much as I swear now I never did when I was young. As a kid the worst I said was Suck an egg! or as a teen Suck it! I was a "perfect" well-behaved little girl(I think I was repressed, actually) but when I got older I was like, f*ck it; I got to be me! and I shaved my head, got tattoos, discovered the joy of curse words, found my voice, got courage,stood up for myself,did what was best for me, and set myself free.

-My fave. animal is the hippo.

-My fave. dog breed is Chihuahua (and I used to breed and show them)but the individual dog that I love the most is a Dachshund.

- Purple is my fave. colour.

- I don't play the lottery or gamble in any way.

- I don't drink alcohol.

- I used to be anti-marijuana but now a fierce advocate for it.I am living proof that people can change.

- -I went to 3 different high schools.

- I did gymnastics from age 4-20.

- I had an emergency landing once when we were running out of fuel.

- I had a housefire 25 YRS ago. It was electrical and started in my bedroom and I lost everything except the clothes on my back and the photo albums I was able to grab on the way out.

- I have had several surgeries.

- I suffered immobilizing migraines since I was 13 and only marijuana was able to cure them.Blessed herb.

- I have 11 kids.

- I love reading.

- Chocolate is my fave. food.

- I've had 6 miscarriages.

- I was that kid that was always bullied, rejected, excluded, hated,and picked last for everything.

- I grew up an Only lonely child.

- I was molested by a relative from age 4-12.

- One of my kids had leukemia when he was 7.

- I have been to court.

- I know how to hit a bullseye.I'm a good shot.

- My youngest memory is 3 months old when I had the Chicken-Pox.

-I can't stand  redneck Country music or pussy Pop music!

- Van Halen and Billy Idol  were my faves in high school(and they still are!)

- The best concert I've been to was KISS (and I've been to dozens)

- My fave. TV show of all-time is The Wonder Years (the original from the 80's)

- I've been to the Bob Marley museum in Jamaica and saw his mausoleum.

- I have been to 5 continents so far.

- When I was a kid at camp a boy bet me a quarter I wouldn't eat a red ant so I did.(A quarter was alot for a kid back in the 70's) and it had such a strong bitter after-taste!

- As a kid I accidently ate a shit nugget once thinking it was chocolate.(It tastes just like it smells in case you wondering.)

- My Happy Place in at the beach in Jamaica.

- Everyone I have ever loved and/or trusted has always used me, lied to me, or betrayed me so I learned very young that you can't trust anybody.

- I had a friend turn into an enemy but I also had an enemy who turned into a friend.

- I love Reggae, Rock, and Blues.

- I was a virgin until I was almost 22.

- Lilacs and sunflowers are my fave. flowers.

- My fave. TV show now is The Resident 

- I have a bawdy, wicked, twisted sense of humour.

- I have seen George Thorogood  in concert at least 6 times(I've lost count)

- I hate fish, olives, avocado,coffee, beer, broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, liver, and sports.

- Food I love most is: Indian, Italian, Mexican,and Chinese.

- I love pumpkin spice.

- I like candles, incense, essential oils, bath bombs, etc.

- I love shops like The Body Shop and Sephora.

- My fave. style of clothing is hippie, Bo-Ho.

- I love going around barefoot all summer, both inside and outside.

- I take alot of herbal supplements.

- 1978 and 1979 were the best years of my life.

- I consider my old house in Toronto (I lived in age 12-17) the place I feel is most my Home of all the places I've lived in.

- I survived 6 suicide attempts so I guess God isn't done with me yet.

- I lived in L.A in 1984 but had to move back due to the crime and both my mother and I got mugged within 2 weeks of eachother!

- My greatest wish would be to be happy, to be pretty,and to be loved.

Nobody can take away your pain, so don’t let anyone take away your happiness.-Daniel Scoland.



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