Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Orange Piggy Bank.

I will never forget the orange piggy bank. When I was 4(I know I was in Kindergarten so I would have been 4 or 5) one of my aunt's foster kids went to NY and brought me back home this bright orange see-thru plastic piggy bank(like the one shown here) and I just loved it. It was one of my fave. things and that bright shade of orange became one of my fave. colours(and still is) because of it and due to the memory of it,and even now every time I see that shade of orange(we have a towel that colour and I have Converse Chuck Taylor Hi-Tops the same colour) it makes me think of that piggy bank and makes me smile.At the time my mother and I lived with my aunt and uncle and their 3 youngest kids( their oldest was married and moved out) and 3 teens they fostered; 2 girls and a boy and one of the girls was really mean  and abused me, I mean she literally beat me up and I can still clearly remember her forcing me to take a 'drag" on a cigarette and hitting, kicking and punching me, and even throwing me on the couch so hard that I'd bounce off and hit the floor and bounce again hitting the wall, but the other girl, H, was kind( she was just a thief, but she was nice to me) and when she brought me back this orange pig it just meant so much and I cherished it.So much so I still remember it fondly 50 years later, and I hope when she faces her Life Review on Judgement Day facing God and is shown how all her actions in life(both good and bad) have affected other people that He shows her how much that small gesture meant to a little girl.Often it is the "little" things we do to/for people that mean the most and stay with them even if we don't realize it, like with one of my aunts(now dead) in Europe; every year at Christmas I'd write her this big long letter with her card updating her and I thought nothing of it, but it turned out she really appreciated it and it meant alot to her but I had no idea it was that big of a deal. They left shortly after that as my uncle said it was too much trouble and not worth it and I never knew what ended up happening to her or the boy( who was the mean girl's brother) but the mean girl sadly died from a drug overdose at age 18 when she was 8 month's pregnant and they were unable to save the baby. The way we even found out was we knew a woman who worked at the hospital switchboard(this was back in the 70's) and she was the operator who heard the emergency call come in and recognized the name.

Yesterday Buddy also found a nice warm sunbeam shining thru the livingroom and he rolled around basking in it and it was just so cute to watch and we even got to sit outside for some sun and fresh air for 90 minutes. It was 7 C but if you bundled-up and dressed for it it was ok, and I can't believe in just 3 more months(Feb) he'll be 16, and yesterday I also noticed more blood back in my pee again,too, and the pain in my lower right rib is back again as well (kidney,perhaps?)and the usual back, stomach and abdomenal pain is bad and it feels like I've been kicked by a horse(and yes, I do know what that feels like; I rode horses every summer from age 6-12 plus the odd time I could as an adult) and every time I smoke weed and get a few hours of blessed pain relief I remember what it feels like to be pain-free; I almost forget,what it's supposed  to feel like, what it used  to feel like( before chronic daily pain) what it feels like for most other people,and it just feels so good; like a weight just being lifted off me, and I can relax and I can literally feel  every muscle just relaxing, letting go and almost as if they're "melting" and "flowing", like water released from under pressure. I'm also going to try horse chestnut for my leg swelling and varicose veins and see if that helps.It might help my Rheumatoid Arthritis swelling, cramps and diarrhrea as well.

It was a cold -2 C overnight last night as well and on Friday my hubby is getting the snow tires put on the car and everyone's now wearing their red poppies, like a bunch of obedient little sheeple as always following the crowd, showing support for war veterans and glorifying the military and war but I never do, I refuse to wear one in an act of defiance and silent protest. I only support peace  and NOT military aggression and war.I don't agree with nationalism and one country invading another or the killing of innocent civilians or taking their land. I also heard poor families in Afghanistan sell their young daughters as young as 2-5 years old even to creepy old men as old as 70 for brides  for 1-2 thousand$$$ for $$$ so they can buy food to feed their starving families and that's just horrible; awful beyond belief, and I'd never sell my kids....not until they become teenagers, that is, and then I'd give  them away, and the neighbour had a pumpkin out for decoration and some asshole came by and smashed it all on the road. Some people can just be so mean. WTF is wrong with some people though? People just suck.Now you know why I prefer dogs.

Never ever let anyone dull your shine.


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