Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Snow Tree.

Last night my hubby put up my new Flocked Christmas tree(seen here before I decorated it and below all decorated and lit up and I did a silver, gold,and white theme) and my Australian Facebook  friend has one too only she calls hers a Snow Tree. They claimed it was 6 feet tall which I doubt as I'm 5'6 and it was the same height as me but no matter; it's a pretty little tree and not everything has to be the biggest all the time and it's still a respectable size and trees,like people, come in all sizes, and who is to say that smaller things aren't just as good as bigger ones? I mean, if I got a small gift and opened it and found it was a diamond ring, for example, would I be upset? Hell,no! It's the tree I've always dreamed of and I love it. It's  beautiful and just perfect and I love it. My mother and the 27 YR old said it was nice as well and only the 14 YR old doesn't like it and scowled it's too small and I get the impression my hubby doesn't really like it,either( more by what he didn't say) but they never like anything I do,anyway, but I don't care,and I'm NOT  letting them take away, dampen, or ruin my happiness and joy. Looking at my pretty tree makes my heart sing and their criticism and them not liking it isn't going to change it. It also reminds me of that German expression nicht einmal ignorieren -don't even ignore- which basically means that they're not even worth the dignity or the time it takes to bother ignoring them.

Poor Buddy also fell out of bed last night and I was woken at 4 am by a loud thud! as he rolled over out of bed and hit the floor, and I had weird dreams as well: one rucurring one I move back to my old childhood Toronto house, another that someone fire-bombed our livingroom window, one where I was back at school only as an adult like now, sitting there in a classroom of kids all around age 8-9 years old, sitting my adult-sized body squeezing into one of those tiny little desks, and that the Vancouver Girls had to move back here temporarily due to the flooding only there was no room as their old bedrooms are now converted into a storage room, an office,and a jiu-jitsu studio!

My prego Facebook friend also said she is in danger of losing her employee health insurance( she's a psychologist that works with autistic kids) as with all her medical app'ts her HRS have left her just below Full-Time status and she's in USA where you have to pay otherwise and a straightforeward non-complicated birth there on average runs around 5K, and that domestic terrorist Kyle Rittenhouse was also found NOT guilty too, even though he at age 17 took a rifle across state lines to a protest and shot and killed 2 people and wounded another,and anyone who goes around carrying a rifle like that is looking  for trouble and we all know if he was Black or Muslim he'd have been found guilty on terrorism charges, and it goes to prove that White Priviledge is real,and only in America would a White Supremacist get off! I also realized that 95% of married life is like this:
"Remember today is grocery day!"
"Then YOU make sure he does his schoolwork!"
"Have you seen any clean towels?"
"The mice are back again."
"Don't forget it's time to change the furnace filters again."
"Pick up more bread and milk while you're there."
"Turn the lights off!"
"Can you take a look at the toilet? I think it's leaking again."

Inside I’m still a lonely child that wants love.


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