Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Violated Ass.

I had my ass violated today, that is, I had my colonoscopy.Luckily they put me to sleep for it so I don't remember anything exceot for being told to lay on my side with my knees bent up and breathe the oxygen in deeply(I had oxygen prongs in my nose) as they administered the Propofol ( Milk of Amnesia) into my IV ( which the nurse luckily got on the first try, unlike the poor lady in the bed beside me; it took 6 tries) and I started to feel a bit dizzy and that was it and the next thing I knew I was starting to wake up in recovery and it was over. They found another polyp(like last time) and said it was bleeding(also like last time) and they had to clamp it( like last time as well) and said I still have the IBS  and Divurticulitis  which causes inflamed "pouches" in my colon that can block the shit causing the pain as it gets backed up so I got instructions on a diet to help and was told to take Metamucil daily. I'm surprised though with all my baaad abdomenal pain that it wasn't something worse and I'm surprised that all that pain is just caused by that! When I woke up my oxygen was "low" as well; 95; they like it to be 99-100, and not eating for 2 days I was ravenously hungry too; I was a hungry, hungry hippo and on the way back after we went thru the H arvey's drive-thru and I got a big hamburger, onion rings and a chocolate milkshake! With all those laxatives and shitting myself I also must have lost 10 pounds as well( that's the good thing) but felt so sick, weak, dizzy and faint, and dehydrated and my stomach ulcer was really bad too with my stomach being empty,too.The laxative was really gross,too,and when I added the water it was all fizzy, like baking soda.

Yesterday the 14 YR old was teasing me as well not being able to eat and said he should put a chocolate bar on a string and dangle it in front of me to tempt me and to "kill" my appetite I also cooked liver for my dog to stink up the place and make me feel nauseous to "kill" my appetite(which worked) and wanted my mother to cook her stinky broccoli and Brussels Sprouts too to gross me out so I wouldn't feel hungry but she was too lazy to cook, and I didn't get back until after Noon today and poor Buddy hadn't been out to the bathroom( no one bothered to take him out! even though I asked them to) I last took him out before 7 am and he did a shit( a gross diarrhrea!) on the carpet in the hallway waiting for me to clean up when I got back( thanks for that BTW) and yesterday was also the second-oldest's birthday; she turned 31.When I was her age I already had several kids.

We get what we accept.- Philip Trahan.


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