Friday, December 10, 2021

Christmas Comes Early.

I recently got new kief and resin( shown in the photo here) and I was so eager to try it I felt like a kid on Christmas morning excited to open presents so it was almost like Christmas came early this YR for me! I'm always excited when I get something new, even if it's just a new shampoo, a new body wash, a new pair of fuzzy warm socks,a new candle, a new book, a package was delivered,a nice snowfall, hearing a song I love, watching a TV show I like, etc. even the tiniest little things bring me joy and it doesn't take much to make me happy as I always try to find happiness in something every day to be thankful for and that brings me joy each day. Now it's mild again(and all next week,too) and raining( going up to 13 C tomorrow and maybe even a thunderstorm too, a rare thing in December but it said in the Book of Revelation in these Last Days that we would have extreme,increasing, and unusual weather patterns and natural disasters) today up to 45 mm and wash all the snow away which makes me sad as the snow reminds me of happy childhood memories as so much of my childhood fun revolved around the snow, incl. skating, skiing, toboganning, snowball fights, building snowmen and snowforts,etc. and visiting relatives over Christmas. 4 times yesterday and today as well Buddy also had big bloody diarrhrea and barfed as well but seems ok otherwise( still eating and wagging his tail) so hopefully just something he ate( maybe the salmon the other day?) and it would seem like something gastro-related and today I'm just giving him chicken and rice which will help settle it but it still always scares the utter shit out of me regardless every single time.Blood is always scary.

Last weekend the 27 YR old and my hubby went to a big outdoor party as well where they had a bonfire going and my hubby egged-on and encouraged the 27 YR old to jump over the bonfire( which he did, twice!) instead of being a grown-up responsible parent  and telling him NOT to do something so reckless, dangerous and stupid(he's a bad  influence!) and it's surprising actually that any of the kids even survived to adulthood,and the other day he hurt his ribs in jiu-jitsu too; either bruised or cracked and he was wheezing and I begged him to go to the ER(because when it comes to breathing  you don't fool around!) but of course he never did.My worry is what if it punctured a lung or something? It's just best to have it checked out just in case. The 14 YR old says I'm just being 'paranoid' and I told him I'm just being a mother. I'm also horrified, disappointed and feel utterly betrayed to find out that Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant has now gone....gasp!! Oh, my god! How can he have sunk so low? Of course my hubby is laughing his ass off and won't let me hear the end of it but I'm just besides myself.

I also saw on the news a good teacher was fired in Quebec just because she wore the hijab; discrimination pure and simple and Quebec has always been the most racist, and now a law was passed banning Conversion therapy too and at first I thought you can't convert religions  but it's actually you can't try to "un-gay" people and you can't help who you're attracted to afterall, and I'm happy for anyone who finds love,and I also heard( I don't know if it's actually true or not and I hope not but it wouldn't surprise me,either) you now need to be vaxxed to get a passport now too but luckily I already have the 10 YR one and I'll likely die before it needs renewal anyway and besides, I can't leave the country anyway being unvaxxed, and even in North Korea they can't leave the country they can still move about freely within their own country without having to show papers, unlike here, so even they have more freedom and less tyranny than we have! The oldest also said he can't do anything or go anywhere in Alberta either due to COVID and all the restrictions even though he has gotten the Mark of The Beast despite then saying if you get it then you get your freedom back and can go out and do things. You mean the gov't lied? Wow.....who would ever think? Of course I knew it all along and I think that only certain "enlightened" people are even aware of what's really going on but most people are just dumb blind sheeple that submit, comply, and go along with it without question.

I also notice that the outer half of both eyebrows are gone; they just fell off, and I saw somewhere too that's also an indication of poisoning, so that seems to be an awful lot of "coincidences" going on here, and my hubby was cruel and heartless as well and said as soon as Buddy dies I'll go out and get another dog literally 5 minutes later; out with the old and in with the new or even get one now and have 2; one as a "back-up" and I won't; I will get another in time as I still need that love, that companionship, purpose and meaning in life, someone to dote on and take care of, someone who needs me, loves me,and depends on me, something to live for and a reason to go on, but nothing can ever "replace" Buddy; he's one of a kind. Just when I thought I'd seen everything too I heard a woman was breastfeeding a cat on a plane and people are Botox-ing camels. I guess now I really have  seen everything and the world just keeps on getting weirder and weirder.

I hope something good happens today.


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Daily Chuckle..

...and shit on the carpet.