Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Just This.

Not too much going on or too much to say or write about byt my hubby finally got his new computer chair(he went all the way to Kingston for) and it looks something like out of the Star Trek Enterprise  and so I got handed-down his old chair he was using before(shown here with my Bob Marley blanket over it) which is actually one of our dining room chairs and it has a padded cushion so it's nice and comfy; the one I had before was just a hard rickety old wooden chair with no padding so this is nice(and it was wobbly and wiggly and falling apart too due to my fat hippo ass and soon to break and my fat ass already broke 2 other chairs just like it before already) so we both got new chairs! My Advent calendar today also didn't have a 14 but it did have 2 15's (duh!) so I just took one of those and I can still remember years ago when the 27 YR old was little one time he ate a whole bunch of Advent calendar candies all at once, thinking that way Christmas would come sooner, and  I had a dream too that the Queen is dying and I also stubbed my baby toe on the hard wooden leg of the couch and it hurt like hell!

These are my Christmas-scented candles as well and the snow-scented one actually sort of smells like oranges  and every evening when the sun goes down the candles are lit, and yesterday the candles were lit, the tree was lit,and so was I, and tomorrow it's supposed to go up to 13 C and more rain(yuck!) but I hope we at least get more snow for the 24th and 25th because it doesn't feel festive or very Christmas-sy without it, and my family is so redneck too they opened up shelled nuts with pliers instead of just getting a nutcracker like normal people would, (I'm surprised they didn't just crack them open with their teeth!) and my hubby always lords it over me how he's so much smarter than me and knows more than I do and thinks he knows everything  but this time I actually knew something that he didn't; I knew who Fashion Santa was and he didn't so take that Mr. Know-it-all Smarty-Pants, and he brags as well that the kids talk to him every day, either phone or text and I hardly ever hear from them despite e-mailing them I hear from the oldest the odd time but that's about it and I feel really excluded from this family; I always have, like I've never been a part of it, never been welcome or included, always an outcast, it's like they have this little circle they never let me in,an outsider looking in.

I was disillusioned as well to find out that the Monkees weren't a British Invasion band like I always thought; only one of them was actually British; all the others are American! Things are never what they appear to be or seem and everything is an illusion, and former Toronto mayor Mel Lastman died too and I actually thought he was already dead, and Les Emerson died of COVID as well....even though he was DOUBLE VACCINATED (because we all know the vaccine "works" so well!) and now they say the new variant is tripling every 2 days and now over 1500 cases a day...yeah, right....I don't believe it;  esp. not with over 85 % or so vaccinated(unless, of course, it's NOT really  a vaccine, or else it doesn't really work, or it's actually causing it)...it's all lies....just more fear-mongering and scare tactics scaring everyone into getting the Mark Of The Beast and for their kids and to scare them into compliance and submission , just in time to ruin everybody's holidays again,and to prepare them for another upcoming lockdown again.Wait....you'll see....

The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress ~ Frederick Douglass


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Today's Musing.